Black Metal.

A lot of PBM bands are more interesting than WITTR. My favorites in the genre are Cobalt and Krallice.

It's actually really nice playing in the same state that Velnias and Cobalt started out in.

Velnias started out in Chicago (suburbs), and moved to Colorado last year.
Well I was more referring to that sound combined with the long boring songs. WITTR, Altar of Plagues, Ruins of Beverast - stuff like that.

Altar of Plagues blows Wolves in the Throne Room out of the water. That debut is epic and crushing. If the argument is purely that the songs are long, well... fuck that. :cool:
The Ruins of Beverast has one of the best atmospheres ever on some of their songs but other than that I guess I tend to agree about the whole subgenre.
Weakling's Dead as Dreams is better than everything WitTR and Altar of Plagues ever released combined! But WitTR is still a great band. Black cascade was meh, though.

It is beyond my grasp how anyone could compare Ruins of Beverast to any one of these bands though. They are in their entire own league and none of their albums are anything near post black metal. And all three albums are sublime.
I love Malevolent Grains and Two Hunters by WITTR. I don't care what you guys say, they'll always be the standard bearer for Atmospheric Black Metal to me.