Black Metal.

Weakling and Altar of Plagues are both bad (and AoP were so bad live that I assumed they were an opening act and I walked outside after 10 minutes of their set). WITTR is fine, but I won't be in a rush to check out anything new they put out unless it's getting really good buzz.

Ruins of Beverast is something different entirely. The first album is excellent, but the second is the dullest thing on the planet, and the third is too hard to obtain.

I listened to this Be Persecuted album last week. It was okay. This is the kind of thing an American band would be torn to shreds for releasing, but since it's from China people think it's cool. It doesn't suck, but I feel like there's been too many references to it. Original Sin from China was possibly less interesting. I'm not sure if searching for interesting ideas in BM from non-traditional countries is working out.
Weakling and Altar of Plagues are both bad (and AoP were so bad live that I assumed they were an opening act and I walked outside after 10 minutes of their set). WITTR is fine, but I won't be in a rush to check out anything new they put out unless it's getting really good buzz.

No way is Wolves in the Throne Room better than Altar of Plagues.
They're still part of the known as post-black metal.

Not all minimalistic songs have to be long and dragged out, it's just common. Terry Riley had some songs that clocked in around the 1~2 minute mark.

Post black metal referred to those black metal bands in the late 90s that started experimenting with alternate forms of music like Ulver, Fleurety, Solefald, Arcturus, The Kovenant, etc.

Find a new genre tag, that one is already taken.
Helloween and Running Wild both participated on a sampler called "death metal" in 1984.

If that was a "genre tag" it's an outdated one.
My mother has this weird fetish of bringing skulls to our home so I took this kvlt picture of my rare Graveland discs. Early Graveland = best Graveland.

My mother has this weird fetish of bringing skulls to our home so I took this kvlt picture of my rare Graveland discs. Early Graveland = best Graveland.


Very cool.

I have the exact same edition of Carpathian Wolves. I also have the original edition of Thousand Swords. :)
My mother has this weird fetish of bringing skulls to our home so I took this kvlt picture of my rare Graveland discs.

Your mom sounds pretty hardcore.

Definitely not a fan of the polish socialist scene, can't get into nokturnal mortum, graveland etc.

Both those bands fucking rule, but Nokturnal Mortum is from Ukraine.

Have you ever listened to Hellveto? As far as I know he's not NS (the lyrics are all in Polish), but the music is incredible.
Post black metal referred to those black metal bands in the late 90s that started experimenting with alternate forms of music

Alternate forms of music such as, say, contemporary classical, post rock, shoegaze, western folk music, and crust punk? I don't understand why the time frame is significant, but if you'd like, we can call it revivalist post black metal or something.

I'm familiar with Fleurety, Ved Buens Ende, Ulver and their ilk. I'd call Arcturus Avant Garde Metal though.
My mother has this weird fetish of bringing skulls to our home so I took this kvlt picture of my rare Graveland discs. Early Graveland = best Graveland.


Cool picture, man! And yes, early Graveland = win. :kickass:

Solefald isn't "post black metal." I'd just call them experimental or some shit like that. Same with Arcturus.

Yes, I'd also call Solefald experimental. Their Icelandic Odyssey albums aren't bad (only ones I own).