Black Metal.

their myspace er somewhere. I can't remember exactly

edit: considering it was supposed to be released a few months ago, it should be released in 2011
So I listened to Paracletus tonight. It's actually not that bad of an album, just really patchy and inconsistent. Normally I like their brand of chaotic dissonance but on here, it just seems to get a bit much after the first 4-5 tracks.

HOWEVER... there are moments/specific tracks that just give me a raging hard-on, specifically the more "melodic" stuff on the album, such as for example, Abscission, Dearth, Epiklesis II... the closer is really great also.

Does not top SMRC but I wasn't expecting it to.
so I FINALLY got my special edition copy of Marrow of the Spirit and t shirt from Viva Hate. I'll be listening to the cd tomorrow on my way to my buddy's before we head to the stone brewery :kickass:
I actually didn't like Marrow of the Spirit all too much. To be honest, I thought Agalloch's only really good album was The Mantle.
so I FINALLY got my special edition copy of Marrow of the Spirit and t shirt from Viva Hate. I'll be listening to the cd tomorrow on my way to my buddy's before we head to the stone brewery :kickass:

alright, so I've listened to it a few times, and these are my thoughts. While it certainly isn't Agalloch's best record, I do think it's a very good album. "Black Lake Nidstång" is a fucking awesome song with the best 70s prog worship I've heard in quite a while. That whole section with the moog, vibes, xylaphone and delayed guitar just owns. And then the segue into "Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires" is great. Those two are, by far, my favorite tracks.

The album suffers greatly from an odd mixing job. Normally, I've never had problems with Agalloch's production, but this time it's just bad. The vocals are buried way underneath the mix. The drums are way too loud. JWW's bass playing is virtually absent. On the topic of the drums, the intro to "Into the Painted Gray" bothered me the first time, but I've since gotten used to it.

I think the album does best when listened to all the way through, whereas Ashes Against the Grain and Pale Folklore almost function on a song-by-song basis (with the exception of their respective trilogies). As a whole, the album flows really nicely, and it's often hard to tell when one song ends and the other begins. I really like the album, but I can tell where it definitely fails.

tl;dr Agalloch is cool...mixing is bad.
I actually didn't like Marrow of the Spirit all too much. To be honest, I thought Agalloch's only really good album was The Mantle.

I second this. I had a blast listening to The Mantle, but I found it difficult to sit through Marrow in its entirety.