Black Metal.

great album IMO. great lyricist, nice melodies, and not too shabby as a singer. still think Abbath is the better songwriter, though.

Doesn't Demonaz still write the songs for Immortal? I know he at least writes the lyrics.

From what I can tell, this Demonaz album is pretty cool. It's basically Bathory meets Immortal. It's much more interesting than anything Immortal has done in years.
I had friends begging me to listen to Obsequiae a few months ago, and it was good, but I'm too lazy to order something I can't find in the stores unless it's really amazing.

I bought the Twilight - Monument To Time End 2LP recently because I have way too much affinity for Leviathan and Krieg to pass up what they do together. This album is oddly an almost equal parts Krieg, Leviathan, and mid-era Nachtmystium. It's better than the last album, where it felt like they took turns writing songs. The Aaron Turner influences aren't super apparent, to the point where he may just be a session member. This time, the songs seem to have more space to breathe, and while there are parts that scream out who wrote them, they are sandwiched between good riffs. It's a good listen from start to finish, and while I understand why this album was completely overlooked, I would probably mark it ahead of most of last year's black metal releases.