Black Metal.

Did anything better than Hvis lyset tar oss or Under the Sign of the Black Mark come out this year? I haven't been using the internet very much this year because it's been a busy one, so I am behind on albums and would appreciate a few recommendations.
Did anything better than Hvis lyset tar oss or Under the Sign of the Black Mark come out this year? I haven't been using the internet very much this year because it's been a busy one, so I am behind on albums and would appreciate a few recommendations.

......... my mind asplode.
Okay, I've talked up this band a few times in the last year or two, and there's finally a studio song up. I really liked this track better in the demo form, since it's about 10-15 bpm faster, and has a more trebly production. This album seems to value the low-end mix of something like SMRC. Still, after a few listens I'm digging it in this form too. It sure does does suffer during the bridge at this tempo though. I loved when it bordered on being out-of-control fast. And that just made the half-tempo chorus more effective. Still, good ear for melody here, and I'll keep an eye on these guys. Very solid live too.

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Pretty interesting and while the prod is a bit hissy it doesn't take away from the music much. Nice riffs. As Nightmare Heaven said the vocals need more variety, especially with thier prod.

From what I've just read: [Said Lord Worm to Bravewords: "Rage Nucléaire is a hate-filled blend of melodic black metal and violent industrial...]

If this is the case I can't see it being more than a not-as-good version of 3.

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album artwork for Farsot's new album, Insects due later this year though no specific date:

Listening to the new Kroda; "Schwarzpfad". I didn't have high expectations since I have grown a bit tired of Kroda's style of heavy folk-laden pagan metal. Yet, this new album really pushes borders for this genre offering a much more "black" sound than I would have thought.

Think era "Weltanschauung" Nokturnal Mortum with some Drudkh influences and add the rural pagan feeling from all Kroda's other albums. This is one hell of a 2011 black metal release!
I think Nokturnal Mortum's The Voice Of Steel has rendered what came before it obsolete. It pays tribute to metal, but tears it down at the same time. I loved Weltanschauung immensely, but Voice of Steel makes it look like crap. It's so much more advanced. Someone needs to write an essay about it, if not a book. Just the way they take the total cock rock segments, and paint them with such sincerity. Like, no one in metal could write a song called "America" and have it be a dead serious tribute. This would never work. But the Ukraine track on Voice of Steel is awe-inspiring, despite the flashy cock-rock solos. It just rules. And that could never happen in a lot of places. I think the sincere desire to make awesome music makes that album one of the best metal albums ever.
I think Nokturnal Mortum's The Voice Of Steel has rendered what came before it obsolete. It pays tribute to metal, but tears it down at the same time. I loved Weltanschauung immensely, but Voice of Steel makes it look like crap. It's so much more advanced. Someone needs to write an essay about it, if not a book. Just the way they take the total cock rock segments, and paint them with such sincerity. Like, no one in metal could write a song called "America" and have it be a dead serious tribute. This would never work. But the Ukraine track on Voice of Steel is awe-inspiring, despite the flashy cock-rock solos. It just rules. And that could never happen in a lot of places. I think the sincere desire to make awesome music makes that album one of the best metal albums ever.

Voice of Steel is their first album I've listened to. What should I listen to next from them? I dig a lot of folkiness.
I had recently really started to get into Tara. Other than that I havn't heard much Absu. I'll have to look into them more.