Black Metal.

I thought their last album was pretty much garbage. It's barely even an Absu album. The music was written almost entirely by the new members. I have no expectations for the new one.
I thought their last album was pretty much garbage. It's barely even an Absu album. The music was written almost entirely by the new members. I have no expectations for the new one.

See this would be true barring the fact that Proscriptor still wrote all the lyrics, laid down the drumming and was responsible for the majority of the riffs. On top of that, most of the album was written in the early 2000s and was just reworked a few years later.
See this would be true barring the fact that Proscriptor still wrote all the lyrics, laid down the drumming and was responsible for the majority of the riffs. On top of that, most of the album was written in the early 2000s and was just reworked a few years later.

See this would be true if it wasn't appallingly obvious that I wasn't referring to the lyrics. And Proscriptor receives absolutely zero credit for being "responsible for the majority of the riffs".*** I'm not sure why you would even have been led to believe that, since Proscriptor was never a part of the (musical aspect of the) songwriting core. Shaftiel was always the primary songwriter in the band and Proscriptor receives few writing credits musically. Shaftiel almost entirely wrote and composed Tara on his own. Proscriptor, for the new album, has already stated that "The songwriting undertakings were equally distributed between both Ezezu and Vis Crom and I must admit it brings an admirable multiplicity to the album as a whole."

***Here's a rundown of the writing credits for the "Musical Magick" aspect of each song:

Between the Absu of Eridu & Erech: Aethyris
Night Fire Canonization: Shaftiel
Amy: Zawicizuz
Nunbarshegunu: Aetyris and Vastator
13 Globes: Aethyris
...Of the blahblahblah: Zawicizuz
Magic(k) Square Cipher: Aethyris
In the Name of Auebothiabathabaithobeuee: Vastator
Girra's Temple: Shaftiel
Those of the Void Will Re-Enter: Aetyris and Vastator
Sceptre Command: Aethyris
Ye Uttuku Spells: Aetyris and Vastator
Twix Yesterday, the Day & the Morrow: Equitant

It also clearly states in the booklet that "All music composed/written by Aetyris, Shaftiel, Vastator, and Zawicizuz from 2002 to 2007". Unsurprisingly, "Night Fire Canonization" and "Girra's Temple" were the best songs on the album.
While amusing, I'm not sure how much of a fan you are of their style of metal anyway, so it may not be worth your time. Especially since 1) the vocalist is pretty average at best, 2) the production is thin as it is, and 3) anything you find will be a tape or vinyl rip.
I think Nokturnal Mortum's The Voice Of Steel has rendered what came before it obsolete. It pays tribute to metal, but tears it down at the same time. I loved Weltanschauung immensely, but Voice of Steel makes it look like crap. It's so much more advanced. Someone needs to write an essay about it, if not a book. Just the way they take the total cock rock segments, and paint them with such sincerity. Like, no one in metal could write a song called "America" and have it be a dead serious tribute. This would never work. But the Ukraine track on Voice of Steel is awe-inspiring, despite the flashy cock-rock solos. It just rules. And that could never happen in a lot of places. I think the sincere desire to make awesome music makes that album one of the best metal albums ever.

Rather than look at is as a progression making previous releases obsolete, I think that The Voice of Steel simply complements the older material perfectly. It's something in the same genre that toys with new elements in style. I really think that Weltanschauung and The Voice of Steel sit nicely side by side and make a great linear narrative. I love listening to them back to back in my car.

But I agree that The Voice of Steel is absolute mastery and an epic production.
What does everyone think of the band Ascension? I've been listening to Consolamentum a fucking lot lately. Really loving it.
What does everyone think of the band Ascension? I've been listening to Consolamentum a fucking lot lately. Really loving it.

Fucking awesome album. Great atmosphere and memorable riffs. I like the vocals best though.
You're confused that a once-great band has becoming an overproduced, slightly-boring shadow of what they were at one point, before their main songwriter left the band? I'm not. There are some really good riffs and it's well-written (and sounds better than most things on the last album) but other than that it's got nothing on the stuff Shaftiel had a hand in.
You're confused that a once-great band has becoming an overproduced, slightly-boring shadow of what they were at one point, before their main songwriter left the band? I'm not. There are some really good riffs and it's well-written (and sounds better than most things on the last album) but other than that it's got nothing on the stuff Shaftiel had a hand in.

Not exactly. I was just confused on how I felt about this song as to it doesn't even sound like an Absu album.