Black Metal.

Anyone a fan of Geïst, the German black metal band that now just goes by Eïs? I just got the re-releases of Patina & Kainsmal, both are excellent. I highly recommend them.
Geist is a solid band, sort of middle of the road overall, but their best moments are well above average. Sort of reminds me of Endstille in that regard. Not the kinds of bands that put together solid albums from start to finish, but the best 10-20 minutes of material on each stack up well.

Internet gave me the impression that Kataxu was this great underground band, but it's really for symphonic diehards only. The guitar work is really lacking. I would only recommend to people that love keyboard driven albums like early ...and Oceans and Limbonic Art. Stuff that completely ignores riffs for keyboardy melodies. Emperor and Enslaved, even at their most keyboardy, always had superior guitar work to the lesser known bands of the era, and a lot of them are lesser known for good reason.
Internet gave me the impression that Kataxu was this great underground band, but it's really for symphonic diehards only. The guitar work is really lacking. I would only recommend to people that love keyboard driven albums like early ...and Oceans and Limbonic Art. Stuff that completely ignores riffs for keyboardy melodies. Emperor and Enslaved, even at their most keyboardy, always had superior guitar work to the lesser known bands of the era, and a lot of them are lesser known for good reason.

Fair enough I guess, because I love The Dynamic Gallery of Thought and Limbonic art in general... and Dimmu Borgir's first two.
Well, this is interesting. A weird interview to say the least.

Pretty excited about a new Leviathan album on Profound Lore. I didn't care too much for the track posted, but promo tracks tend to disappoint. Mainly I don't understand the change in vocal approach, and the production is a bit too tidy. While the financial motives behind the album are quite clear, if Leviathan wanted to rehash some old material, there's no shortage of quality songs in his catalog to dress up (which makes for some of the better material on Massive Conspiracy), but this sounds entirely new, which has me more excited.
the guitarist of Lifelover died.

hmmm... was it suicide?:loco:

Kinda bummed about WITTR. Two Hunters was pretty damn good, I don't care what anybody says.
Also, last night I checked out Imperial Crystalline Entombment. For the first time. Yeah, I know, I'm late to the party.

Finally, here's a friend of a friend's band from Missouri:

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Pretty excited about a new Leviathan album on Profound Lore. I didn't care too much for the track posted, but promo tracks tend to disappoint. Mainly I don't understand the change in vocal approach, and the production is a bit too tidy. While the financial motives behind the album are quite clear, if Leviathan wanted to rehash some old material, there's no shortage of quality songs in his catalog to dress up (which makes for some of the better material on Massive Conspiracy), but this sounds entirely new, which has me more excited.

I quite like the new track. It was a bit too different when i first heard it but its grown on me. I really like the continuation of the good production heard on Massive Conspiracy. Some might find the production a bit too clean for Leviathan but thats because its the first Leviathan album recorded in a proper studio environement. I just hope it doesnt stray too far from black metal going by this statement from Profound Lore:

While upholding the traditional black metal elements synonymous with Wrest’s take on progressive black metal, the psychosis inherent within “True Traitor, True Whore” also heavily hints on elements of classic krautrock, and ‘80s dark rock, pop, and post punk respectively, almost as if “True Traitor, True Whore” is LEVIATHAN’s rock album, or possibly even black metal’s answer to early Cure or Fields Of The Nephilhim.

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I liked the Leviathan song a lot more when I listened to it with headphones today. It lacks the twists and turns that make so many of his songs great, but I guess the interview sort of suggested this would be more straightforward. I just hope it ends up sounding more like a Leviathan record and less like a Twilight record, which is more like what the promo track sounds like.
Internet gave me the impression that Kataxu was this great underground band, but it's really for symphonic diehards only. The guitar work is really lacking. I would only recommend to people that love keyboard driven albums like early ...and Oceans and Limbonic Art. Stuff that completely ignores riffs for keyboardy melodies. Emperor and Enslaved, even at their most keyboardy, always had superior guitar work to the lesser known bands of the era, and a lot of them are lesser known for good reason.

Doesn't it depend on the quality of the keyboard melodies? Case in point Nokturnal Mortum.
Nokturnal Mortum had good riffs though. Maybe not on stuff like Goat Horns (still good because of the awesome keyboarding), but on the Voice of Steel I think there was some decent riffage.
Just won a copy of Glorior Belli - Manifesting the Raging Beast on ebay for a $1 + shipping. Seemed okay from the little I've heard from it. Okay deal, or did I just waste 4 bucks?
I seriously need to check out more Taake. I only have Bjoergvin and I enjoy it, although I rarely listen to it, but I've also enjoyed all of the other random, scattered songs from their other albums that I've heard.