Black Metal.

Please recommend me an album that fits well with walking in snowy forests and fields at night. Not too harsh or raw.
Sounds like you'd like to listen to something that isn't black metal...

Ulver, for instance.

Meh, there is black metal hard to listen to and there's black metal that is rather accessible. Ildjarn are an example of the former and Ulver's Bergtatt of the latter. How is Ulver not BM?:eek:
At least Silencer sounds genuine, not like he's trying to emulate a vocal style. Dude's just shrieking as he does. Not amazing music, but I'd rather that than hear another shitty vocalist trying to do an Immortal-style rasp.
Meh, there is black metal hard to listen to and there's black metal that is rather accessible. Ildjarn are an example of the former and Ulver's Bergtatt of the latter. How is Ulver not BM?:eek:

Ulver was "black metal" in the same sense that Probot is "metal." Garm was a genre tourist who didn't really understand what made black metal tick, so he just slapped Darkthroney distortion values and "black metal" style vocals onto music that essentially parallels the college rock of the day. Oh yeah, and he added a flute, because flutes are original, yo.
Ulver was "black metal" in the same sense that Probot is "metal." Garm was a genre tourist who didn't really understand what made black metal tick, so he just slapped Darkthroney distortion values and "black metal" style vocals onto music that essentially parallels the college rock of the day. Oh yeah, and he added a flute, because flutes are original, yo.

I don't really see where you're coming from. Musically Bergtatt and Nattens madrigal was black metal. There is no more to it. Are you angry because he wasn't a "satanist" like the others in Norway?