Black Metal.

Fleurety is killer. Silencer is a lame Bethlehem clone with gay vocals.

Even a non-metalhead already knows Silencer has same-y vocals as Bethlehem on their 2nd album. It has been mentioned like 1 trillion times on this forum. Thought that album is the pinnacle of DSBM.
As my avatar/signature change can show, I've come to favor Ascension a whole fucking lot.Consolamentum has managed to surpass VVorld VVithout End as my favorite 'modern' black metal album.
Wolves led me to finnish Hail
other bands with that name fail
for black metal I have raging boner
I'm not a faggot emo stoner.
saw this picture on Graveland's page :lol:

Has anyone here heard the remastered version of Astrofaes - Dying Emotions Domain? I've been trying to find somewhere to hear it online before buying but apart from a load of reviews there's not even samples. Ill probably still pick it up eventually because its my favorite album of their and ive been after the cd for years.
Maybe I've missed the discussion, but what's the verdict on the new Blut Aus Nord? I really enjoyed Sects.