Black Metal.

saw this picture on Graveland's page :lol:


wtf lol, those girls look pretty young...
The Butt said:
Two Hunters and the self-titled demo are fucking ballin' actually.

If you like really typical and generic black metal with occasional female vocals, maybe. They spent too much time trying to sound like Weakling, which is also pretty derivative but much better on a compositional level.
Maybe I've missed the discussion, but what's the verdict on the new Blut Aus Nord? I really enjoyed Sects.

You should like The Desanctification then. More of the same... very solid. I actually like it better than Sects. And moar dark trip hop stuff.

Also, anyone want to recommend me some more "orthodox" black metal like Ascension or Blaze of Perdition? (really liked The Heirophant)
Der Morgenstern said:
Thanks for repeating every half-thought out criticism of the band that you can get from Last.Fm.

I don't even have an account on that site. Wolves said Weakling influenced them (even their logo is a wannabe Weakling logo) and anyone who has heard the two will find it obvious. Both bands are overrated to hell, but Weakling had more compositional and instrumental prowess.

I don't even take the typical route that most critics of Wolves use, which would require me to care about their political views and ideals and whether or not scene kids like them. So your post was the one that was not thought out properly, kiddo.
Whether or not the WITTR demo and Two Hunters are "typical" or "generic", it's still really nice, good-quality stuff IMO, so whatever.
The new Drudkh song leaked. It doesn't suck. I still doubt I'll buy this cd, but there's a good chance it could be better than Estrangement or Microcosmos.

Any new bands release a debut, EP, or split recently?

Looking for some younger bands to check out.
Maybe this slipped by you. Really cool stuff.

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Was pretty happy to find Dodsengel's first full length Visionary at ajna for <$7. Been looking for a while and it's very worth your time if you liked their latest album.
Yeah, it was reissued toward the end of last year. I did pick it up, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I've been too busy trying to tie up all of the loose ends in my reviews for my damn magazine...just a few more weeks of this hopefully. Then I can start listening to 2011 and 2012 albums to review. :erk:
New Drudkh track sounds good. I'll definitely be checking it out. My only gripe with it is it doesn't have that warm, fuzzy production sound that Forgotten Legends has.
So hey guys I want to pick up some Striborg. Any recommendations?

Here are the albums I have readily available if I'd want them:
Autumnal Melancholy
Nefaria / Tragic Journey Towards the Light
Southwest Passage
Spiritual Catharsis