Black Metal.

Any new bands release a debut, EP, or split recently?

Looking for some younger bands to check out.

If you're into experimental/avantgarde metal KAMERA OBSKUR might be something for you. They recently released their debut Bildfänger which is high quality.

Members/ex-members of Lunar Aurora, Nocte Obducta, Mortuus Infradaemoni, Grabnebelfürsten and Agathodaimon created the band.
So hey guys I want to pick up some Striborg. Any recommendations?

Here are the albums I have readily available if I'd want them:
Autumnal Melancholy
Nefaria / Tragic Journey Towards the Light
Southwest Passage
Spiritual Catharsis
Absolutely get Spiritual Catharsis, that album is completely fucked and excellent. Mysterious Semblance is a good one if you can find it, and there are some splits worth checking out too (Xasthur, Scurshahor). He has a huge discography and the quality does vary a lot but occasionally he's right on the money.
Whipped through some Taake, Tsjuder, Nightbringer, Craft, DsO, Blut Aus Nord, and Abruptum. Combing around for something else to throw into the playlist now.
Whipped through some Taake, Tsjuder, Nightbringer, Craft, DsO, Blut Aus Nord, and Abruptum. Combing around for something else to throw into the playlist now.
If you like something "similar" to Tsjuder.

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Any new bands release a debut, EP, or split recently?

Looking for some younger bands to check out.

Hey if your looking for some new weird black/doom (sick of categorizing it), check out Moon Of Delirium which is my bands debut offering. 2 songs free download or streaming. I'm trying to spread it like the plague. :)

In the meantime, Ascension will be destroying my brain for the rest of the evening
I'm so glad I discovered this thread guys! Each and every single one of your suggestions is absolutely amazing and tasteful! Lots of quality and atmospheric music here, thanks to you I discovered bands like Midnight Odyssey and Oranssi Pazuzu. My favourite bands/artists from the BM genre so far are Blut Aus Nord (all time favourite),Deathspell Omega, Helrunar, Ihsahn, Thorns, Agalloch, Behemoth and Arcturus so far. Any band I should check out? :) Keep it up all of you and thanks!

PS.Here's my review of Alcest's 'Les Voyages De L'ame' which you mentioned some posts earlier!âme

Please, tell me what you think, if you want. :)
Ride for Revenge are fucking weird and awesome.

True, and their new album is definitely their best to date.

Also, for fans of finnish black metal I could recommend the new albums by Kadotus, Charnel Winds and Saturnian Mist:

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You sir, should listen to some Aosoth, Ondskapt or Glorior Belli.

Glorior Belli has more of a southern rock twang to them, from memory serves. Great band! Just not what I'm in the mood for here. Checking out the other two right now, so far damn impressed with Aosoth.
My first real introduction to Taake:

Very quickly seeing what all the fuss is about.
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People need to know this album:

I've promoted them before, but they deserve way more attention then they've had on this forum. This is one of the best BM bands playing techy stuff. It's not all that far from the last couple DsO albums. I especially like the bass work, and the production is just perfect to me.
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People need to know this album:

I've promoted them before, but they deserve way more attention then they've had on this forum. This is one of the best BM bands playing techy stuff. It's not all that far from the last couple DsO albums. I especially like the bass work, and the production is just perfect to me.

Also this track is awsome, raw brutality, I loved it!
Sounds like a failure of experimentation for experimentation's sake to my ears. I found more parts in it comical than any emotion they could have been trying to evoke intentionally. The guitars sound like sped up Super Nintendo music a lot of times, and the superhuman blastbeats are just fucking stupid.