Black Metal.

I'd love to find more in that vein if you've got any suggestions. No matter how many times I burn through the Xasthur catalog, as soon as I get to that track I stop what I'm doing and just let it wash over me.
Try out Ruins of Beverast - Unlock The Shrine. The first song has a real Xasthur vibe. After that there's tons of original ideas. It's a wonderful album.
I remember liking Foulest Semen from them okay, but not being blown away. Might be high time to revisit their stuff...
I remember liking Foulest Semen from them okay, but not being blown away. Might be high time to revisit their stuff...

Soil of the Incestuous is probably my favourite Ruins of Beverast but i haven't listened to much of them either.

Fans of Austere should check out his new band Germ. MA calls them Avant-Garde Metal/Depressive Rock/Shoegaze but they have electronic elements as well.

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What's the general opinion about Terra Tenebrosa in these parts?

The Tunnels is a pretty interesting record, I dig it. Especially with the song, Guiding The Mist / Terraforming. Shit gets bone-chilling.

As a side note, I searched the thread and there has been no talk of the new Masters Hammer:

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Yeah man, everything Ive heard off YouTube of this album has been pretty legit. Stoked.

As a side note, heres a side project from one of the members from Austere, blending trance and DSBM? Im so confused. I want to like it, I really do, but Im just...At a loss for words lol

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Fans of Austere should check out his new band Germ. MA calls them Avant-Garde Metal/Depressive Rock/Shoegaze but they have electronic elements as well.

Oh snap, sorry to double post, I didnt even see this group was already posted. lol

You want to like it but because it's a mixture of trance you're trying to avoid it.

Yeah youre correct. I like Trance and I like Black Metal, but I think its like oil and water, the two cannot not be mixed. OR maybe they should, but I havnt heard a good enough example to make me think otherwise.
I feel like Trance and BM could work since they're both very atmospheric genres.

Listening to the Germ song now.

EDIT: Pretty good stuff but didn't remind me of trance too much tbh.
black metal was the first metal genre i started listening to, symphonic black metal to be more specific. it is still my favorite genre to this day.
I like the new Lunar Aurora after the first few listens. But perhaps not as much as I had hoped for. It seems perhaps a tad too easily accessible?

Also got my hands on Nocte Obducta´s latest album "Verderbnis" from 2011. It had pased my attention this album was released, wtf? Seems very good but very different from their earlier materiale - a bit Lunar Auror'ish actually.
Woods Of Desolation is pretty mediocre. I'd say give em a try to see what you think of them, but don't expect anything mindblowing.
I like the new Lunar Aurora after the first few listens. But perhaps not as much as I had hoped for. It seems perhaps a tad too easily accessible?

Also got my hands on Nocte Obducta´s latest album "Verderbnis" from 2011. It had pased my attention this album was released, wtf? Seems very good but very different from their earlier materiale - a bit Lunar Auror'ish actually.

I wouldn't call it too accessible, its just different. Andacht is a very accessible album, but still great.
So yeah, I just randomly found out that Mysticum are active again and Planet Satan should be out some time this year.....:kickass:

I'm hoping for a Mysticum/Blacklodge North American tour in the near future....
.....This would happen after I threw out my drugs :lol: