Black Metal.

New Burzum promo shots.



Sounds pretty good on first listen. Much better production than Fallen. The percussion is very interesting and the clean vocals are very well executed. Lots of new elements to digest- certainly his most adventurous post-prison album. The Song of the Fallen and The Sacred Tree are really impressive cuts.
I hear a lot more clipping on Belus. I find the production on Fallen more dynamic, particularly with the drums, and think the production fits the album better than the previous album. Obviously I haven't heard the new one yet, so I can't comment on that. Feedback has been overwhelmingly negative so far, even more so than the previous two.
They need to a "Ultimate Fantasy Figher" TV series where people dress up like Skyrim characters and battle it the death.

The first season would feature Rob Darken and Varg Vikernes fighting in the epic conclusion.

Now that's fucking TV.
When I first heard Fallen, I noticed that it was a bit louder, more compressed than Belus. However, it's a cleaner, brighter mix, whereas Belus is a bit softer and duller, so that might explain why it might sound more dynamic to some. Either way, I think the production on these two albums is great by today's standards.

Rob Darken is a poor mans' Varg Vikernes.

No way.

I think that Shamaatae has the coolest promo shots in black metal, even though I wish that he wasn't churning out all those mediocre albums these days. His first three were amazing.
People should also stop feeling entitled to steal music that isn't even out yet just so they can be the first person to say that they've heard the album.
I didn't realize that Watain won a Grammy. What a joke when you consider how run-of-the-mill and mediocre they really are. However, the Grammy Awards have met my usual expectations once again.
Lawless Darkness or Casus Luciferi, the other two aren't really important, I like them but they're skippable imo.