Black Metal.

Haha, Watain seems really out of place on that festival.

Personally I've never liked them. I just don't think they are anything special. A few good songs here and there but meh.
Necroraven said:
New Watain sounds nothing like Dissection.

I haven't really listened to Lawless Darkness except for one song which sounded like newer Watain trying to add arena rock to their music, but Sworn to the Dark was noted by many people aside from myself to contain elements of the last two Dissection albums. So I'm not the only one who feels that way about their music, and I'll agree with Death Delirium (probably only one time ever) and his assessment of their musical style.
They're a pretty handy point of reference for lazy comparisons. It's like how people compare any of the new 'osdm' bands to Entombed.

It goes beyond that though. I don't have a problem with people making comparisons to Dissection or saying "if you like Dissection, check this band out" but far too often too many bands get written off as Dissection worship when that isn't the case at all.

Lazy comparisons by lazy listeners who probably download too much music and only listen to anything once before forming an opinion.
I think from memory even the review of Rabid Deaths Curse years ago gave a comparison to Dissection and I guess that's why I did'nt checkout Watain.I like Dissecion's 'The Past Is Alive(The Early Mischief) compilation and 'Thorns Of Crimson Death' off SOTLB but find alot of their stuff pretty uninspiring.
Moonsorrow- Just started listening to these guys a couple days ago. Good shit I must say. Solid elements of black metal, folk, and a touch of symphonic without going overboard. I don't see why this band gets the crap it does. Verisakeet is great (especially Pimea), moving on to another album next, suggestions?
Runk said:
From Sworn to the Dark and on it really does sound like Dissection though, perhaps with some Mayhem on the side.

Yeah, I know. I'm sure that Watain's tour with the reformed Dissection had an impact on them. People kept making the comparison when that album came out.

I really think that The Somberlain is by far the best from Dissection, probably because of John Zwetsloot. Although they are influential, I don't think that Dissection is a very good reference point to compare most other Swedish black metal bands with, although Dawn, Unanimated and Sacramentum all share qualities with them.
What I've heard from Lawless Darkness sounded much more compelling to me than what I've heard from Sworn to the Dark[]/i] (which DOES have obvious commonalities with Dissection; the band in fact became very close with Jon Nödtveidt when he was released from prison), although clearly neither inspired me enough to buy them yet. I will probably do so eventually, especially if I stumble upon them cheap.

Frankly, these last two albums likely show more of what Watain truly is than the first two albums, which were more clearly derived from earlier works, like Bathory and Mayhem. There is certainly nothing inherently wrong with possessing the ambition to spread your art with as wide a net as you can manage; this was Euronymous' ideal. I obviously have not studied the later albums in any kind of serious depth, but certainly a less 'artistic' mindset is not necessarily a knock against the work. I respect Watain's 'commercial' ambitions, at least what I've experienced of it thus far. Nobody can rightly accuse them of not being genuine.
Moonsorrow- Just started listening to these guys a couple days ago. Good shit I must say. Solid elements of black metal, folk, and a touch of symphonic without going overboard. I don't see why this band gets the crap it does. Verisakeet is great (especially Pimea), moving on to another album next, suggestions?

V:Havitetty, arguably my favorite album ever. Unbelievable stuff.
How is Lunar Aurora's Hoagascht compared to Andacht or any of their other music? My copy arrived today but I won't listen until tonight because I am not going to be home. I have good expectations based on their consistent discography.
How is Lunar Aurora's Hoagascht compared to Andacht or any of their other music? My copy arrived today but I won't listen until tonight because I am not going to be home. I have good expectations based on their consistent discography.

It is their second best after Andacht.
I just bought Andact and Hoagsacht, so it'll be a while before I decide which is better. Right now, Ars Moriendi and Of Stargates and Bloodstained Celestial Spheres are my favorites, though I don't own the first album and Elixir of Sorrow yet.
The first two albums are really good. Someone compared them to early Abigor once in a review that I read and I feel like that is a good reference point for the sound that they have.

I can't decide what album I like the best, but Andacht is probably my favorite of their more recent ones.
Andacht is still better than the new one for me. Hoagascht is a little on the mellow side but still a solid album imo.
Hoagsacht is quite mellow indeed, esp. compared to Andacht, but they're not exactly known for releasing the same album a million times in a row.