Black Metal.

I don't mind DMT's production actually. It works well with the music.

Yeah. It's like shitty production that kicks ass and when you really focus on the tone of the instruments do not even realize anything wrong with the sound. I say if you can make out instruments and get into the music that production does not really have much importance anymore.
I was listening to Darkthrone 'a blaze in the northern sky' once thinking to myself how kick ass the production was and how that's probably how the band really sounds when rehearsing, this adds this realism because it's not really an exaggeration. You know how many bands that get solid production that probably sound horrible when rehearsing or live, and if they really lack musicianship can't sound decent with worse sound.
Ah, much like OPETH is Death Metal.

I like OLD MAN'S CHILD, actually. Some of their earlier albums have a very high easy-listenability factor.
Old Man's Child is indeed a black metal band, their last 2 albums are just a lot more complex and polished. Vermin to my ears is like black metal meets industrial. I guess the drums are originally programmed on a drum machine and than galder had a real drummer replicate the drum machine and some of the patterns are insane. Galder is a killer guitarist and the drumming on the latest 2 albums is over the top. Galder does say OMC is not purely a black metal band and he has lots of thrash,death metal and industrial influence.
I think the production on Satyricon's Dark Medieval Times si fine, I just wish the vocals were more upfront instead of being at a level that sometimes feels drowned by the music.
I've recently gotten into Nightbringer. They don't have much out, just a few splits and a demo, but I like what I've heard a lot.

I thought they released a full-length? It's been a while since I've checked up on them. Now's a good time.

EDIT: On the Full Moon Productions site it says that a new album should be ready "early 2007". It's going to be called "Death and the Black Work", I'll have to keep eyes open.
Man, Primordial marathons are the fucking best.


Also there is a major what the fuck on Marduk's recent album Rom 5:12.

The song Accuser, Opposer has Alan from Primordial on vocals ... but the song itself sounds like Primordial. I am absolutely in awe as to how much this song kicks ass seeing as it comes from Marduk.
Yeah I heard about Alan doing vocals on that Marduk track. Might have to check it out. The Marduk guys and Primordial guys are pretty good friends from what I understand.

I've been meaning to get some Windir

how is Root?

Root is great. They're a bit different, but you should still get your hands on The Temple in the Underworld