Black Metal.

I'm listening to Kringa's Total Mental Desecration. This is excellent new demo black metal. This is the kind of stuff I like tbh.

Saw Emperor about 5 or 6 years ago in LA.

No disappointment there. Band was on point and so was Ihsahn vocals.
Which can't be said for the ihsahn live experience. His voice does seem shot.
Here's the album cover and tracklist for GLORIOR BELLI's 5th full-length record 'Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls'

In anticipation of the release of the new album this fall by Agonia Records, a track has been uploaded to the soundcloud page of the band:


I. Blackpowder Roars
II. Wolves At My Door
III. Ain't No Pit Deep Enough
IV. A Hoax, A Croc!
V. From One Rebel To Another
VI. I Asked For Wine, He Gave Me Blood
VII. The South Will Always Know My Name
VIII. Le Blackout Blues
IX. Backwoods Bayou
X. Built For Discomfort
XI. Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls
I posted this in some other threads too but this is excellent fucked up black metal that needs wider recognition. Wulkanaz new album, you fucks:

Here's the album cover and tracklist for GLORIOR BELLI's 5th full-length record 'Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls'

In anticipation of the release of the new album this fall by Agonia Records, a track has been uploaded to the soundcloud page of the band:


I. Blackpowder Roars
II. Wolves At My Door
III. Ain't No Pit Deep Enough
IV. A Hoax, A Croc!
V. From One Rebel To Another
VI. I Asked For Wine, He Gave Me Blood
VII. The South Will Always Know My Name
VIII. Le Blackout Blues
IX. Backwoods Bayou
X. Built For Discomfort
XI. Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls

holy shit. this just made my day.
Hi guys, first post on the boards.

I've been getting into some black metal recently. That's how I ended up here. I like Burzum and Blut Aus Nord and Inquisition best so far I think. Darkthrone's cool too.
Alright I see two bands I don't know mentioned a lot lately. Azarath and Akashah. Now they may not have anything in common, it's just the names but hey, what is the general consensus on them here and what albums/releases would you recommend so I don't have to blind-pick?
Alright I see two bands I don't know mentioned a lot lately. Azarath and Akashah. Now they may not have anything in common, it's just the names but hey, what is the general consensus on them here and what albums/releases would you recommend so I don't have to blind-pick?

Hey buddy, I don't know Akashah but I really like Azarath, they're top Polish extreme metal in my book.

Try one of their last 03 albums, the last one (2011) is Blasphemers' Maledictions. Solid as fuck black/death always played furiously, fast as hell songs with crushing mid-tempo sections. I'm now trying to get their first couple albums. They're definitely worth checking.
Alright I see two bands I don't know mentioned a lot lately. Azarath and Akashah. Now they may not have anything in common, it's just the names but hey, what is the general consensus on them here and what albums/releases would you recommend so I don't have to blind-pick?

Akashah is a local band for me from Peoria, IL. Nad from Angelust is the main member. I'd recommend their album "The Dance of Beltaine Fire" before their other album, but both are pretty damn good "Pagan" Black Metal. Think Graveland, Absurd, with a bit of Bathory.
Akashah is a local band for me from Peoria, IL. Nad from Angelust is the main member. I'd recommend their album "The Dance of Beltaine Fire" before their other album, but both are pretty damn good "Pagan" Black Metal. Think Graveland, Absurd, with a bit of Bathory.

I need to check out Akashah too. The song you posted was cool.