Black Metal.

Hey buddy, I don't know Akashah but I really like Azarath, they're top Polish extreme metal in my book.

Try one of their last 03 albums, the last one (2011) is Blasphemers' Maledictions. Solid as fuck black/death always played furiously, fast as hell songs with crushing mid-tempo sections. I'm now trying to get their first couple albums. They're definitely worth checking.

Akashah is a local band for me from Peoria, IL. Nad from Angelust is the main member. I'd recommend their album "The Dance of Beltaine Fire" before their other album, but both are pretty damn good "Pagan" Black Metal. Think Graveland, Absurd, with a bit of Bathory.

I'm grateful for your recs pilgrims!
I didn't realize Azarath was more of a death metal band! Now I'm listening to something and yes this is very in-your-face which is good time after time.
I've started to get REALLY into Black Metal lately, but the classic albums are getting old. I need some more band suggestions. I'm not a huge fan of the breakneck speed Dark Funeral type Black Metal, but I like the emotional stuff. Not depressive Black Metal, necessarily. Something like Filosofem.
ColdWorld seems a little fruity in comparison to kvlt stuff but...ColdWorld is fantastic, you know ColdWorld already?
YT doesn't have the track I was looking for on this album (Suo II), but found this really cool video and track.

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Fuck all of those bands, actually. Living Colour is true Black Metal.
I can't say I do. I never dove into the less popular bands that are underrated. The main BM bands I listen to are Immortal, Mayhem, Burzum, Xasthur, Ulver, Darkthrone, Borknagar, Emperor, etc.

In that case, listen to the first albums from Ancient, Xibalba, Avzhia, and umm...more will come to me, but right now I'm fucking tired.