Black Metal.

I'm hoping for good things. What are your thoughts on it? (Besides ":kickass:")

Well, Black House used to be my favorite Krieg release, but Destruction Ritual has steadily risen to become my favorite (if you happen to like Black House I strongly advise getting this.) Black House is an overall a top notch album. Throwing blast beats at you constantly and being downright brutal. Yet the guitar work can be really majestic at times to give a nice balance. The album seems to be centered around the dark riffs. Imperial has some absolutely ripping vocals as well. All hail New Jersey Metal!
Not really, dude. Listen to it with more of an 'open-mind'. It's supposed to be one of the best forms of metal, and most would share that opinion.

Thats all subjective and opinion. I personally don't care for the pure BM style, I love the symphonic/orchestral style BM though.

Best-Forms? Thats still so vague. Composition/Talent ??

There is no best, just what you perceive to be your FAVORITE.

And I disagree with the original poster who said its simple production with bad vox...

Go listen to Illnath / Tvangeste / Kataxu / Old Man's Child / Stormlord (Some wouldn't classify as BM, but I do)
Venom is old school Black Metal. They were one of the first "Black Metal" bands. Hell, their second album was called "Black Metal"

maybe what black metal is has changed since they started back in the 80's. But I really like them anyway.
I need to start expanding my library. I'm ready to dig deeper into the black metal scene. Any suggestions of bands that are decently easy to find and fulfilling?

Darkthrone and Gorgoroth, if you don't like them already. Prolly do though. Other than that I would probably suggest Baptism, Sear Bliss, Graveland, Ondeskapt(spelling?), Stimy Plamenu, Countess, early Mactatus is alrigt as well.

on a different note, V:28 is an incredible black/death band.
Same for Xasthur's "Subliminal Genocide". Yea or nay?
I liked it. Sounds like all the other Xasthur I've heard.

I need to start expanding my library. I'm ready to dig deeper into the black metal scene. Any suggestions of bands that are decently easy to find and fulfilling?
Get Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay. I know I mention it all the time but I'm a huge fan of the album and I think it deserves some recognition.
I am stuck at my dad's house in Lakeville with only one cd. Dark Funeral-Attera Totus Sanctus.

Looks like I'm in for a lot of Dark Funeral for the next day or so. :Smug:
How is "Defending the Throne of Evil"? I've wanted to get it, but I haven't gotten a chance to sample it all.

I think it's pretty solid. The thing that bugs me is a couple of tracks seem to stand out as particularly better than the rest, and I end up spinning those few much more. Not that the rest is poor, just considerably less memorable.
I'm listening to it right now on a one speaker karaoke machine :lol:

I had a few Darkthrone and Dissection discs lying around, but apparently I brought them home and left this one by accident. OH well, its better than nothing. I have nothing against the album except for the awful vocals.