Black Metal.

Been digging into Thrall hard recently after liking them for years but never buying anything. Riff driven black metal from Australia. I'm just now giving their third album, based on the suicide forest in japan (something I've always found fascinating) a spin and just like the two before it, I find it to be pretty badass.

It's stream-able here
^ yeah I listened to that album a few weeks back and had fun with it.
I listened to Sargeist's 'Let the Devil In' the other day and I was really impressed with how consistent it was with its aggression and atmosphere. I need to check out the other albums as they all seem to be regarded highly. I need to listen to some Behexen as well.
also, as far as youtube channels go, here's what I'm subscribed to (including the ones mentioned above. cheers!)

Atmospheric Black Metal Albums
Steel Neil

most of those are old school traditional/nwobhm channels though. Only a few are black metal
Been listening to a demo by Unru a lot lately. It's pretty intense stuff.

I wrote a (positive) review of this demo in which I mentioned they were from Germany and the guys from the band freaked out because I had also reviewed Graveland and Ohtar records. I guess they were worried about people think they were NS.

But yeah, I really liked that demo as well. Super claustrophobic atmosphere.
Has anybody heard mutilation rites? They're playing near me in a couple weeks and I'm probably going to check them out, though I haven't actually heard them yet.
I've seen them live a few times. They are alright, but they are better live than on a c.d.

This has been really kicking my ass. Ambient/atmospheric BM

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I've been revisiting some THORNS lately and I've been wondering what's your take on the 'Stigma Diabolicum' compilation. I know it mostly consists of low quality demos and rehearsal tracks but I am actually tempted to buy it. Having listened to some songs on youtube, I totally loved the rawness and the cold, ghostly atmosphere it emanates. Should I go for it?
I've been revisiting some THORNS lately and I've been wondering what's your take on the 'Stigma Diabolicum' compilation. I know it mostly consists of low quality demos and rehearsal tracks but I am actually tempted to buy it. Having listened to some songs on youtube, I totally loved the rawness and the cold, ghostly atmosphere it emanates. Should I go for it?

Here's what I ask myself why I buy music

What do I want this for
a) a collection piece
b) something I want to listen to

For demo compilations in general, I almost always stay away. They aren't the original presses so they will never be worth much of anything AND the mastering always differs between the tracks, which makes it a pretty unpleasant listen (in a bad way)
Here's what I ask myself why I buy music

What do I want this for
a) a collection piece
b) something I want to listen to

For demo compilations in general, I almost always stay away. They aren't the original presses so they will never be worth much of anything AND the mastering always differs between the tracks, which makes it a pretty unpleasant listen (in a bad way)

I know and you are very right but I don't think there is a possible way to purchase the original demos anyway.