Black Metal.

Abigor is great, but I've only really listened to the albums with Silenius on vocals, so' Satanized 'is not one of them. I'll give it a try soon. I've only heard .neon from Lantos and it's definitely the most tolerable Neige project imo.
Right now, this is my second favorite Black Metal band:

The bad thing is that he made that ceremonial castings post a while ago and was ignored, then deleted it and posted it again later.
On the topic of Limbonic Art I listened to 'Epitome of Illusions' yesterday and thought it was a good release from them.

What's the best album to get me into Primordial? Everyone seems to love them. I remember liking what i heard a while ago but never really took the time to go through their work.
For Primordial, I would start with To The Nameless Dead, but The Gathering Wilderness is my favorite.

I'm a heathen, searching for his soul. :kickass:
I've never listened to Lantlos.

Also, I assume you meant something like "blackgaze" or w/e with "post-black metal" because I know for a fact crimsonfloyd likes AT LEAST Agalloch better.
I've never listened to Lantlos.

Also, I assume you meant something like "blackgaze" or w/e with "post-black metal" because I know for a fact crimsonfloyd likes AT LEAST Agalloch better.

Yeah give .neon a listen. This is probably the most concise taste of what it's like:

And yeah Agalloch is better, but I have no idea how to classify them. Generally I think Pale Folklore and Marrow of the Spirit have enough black metal to qualify as such, but The Mantle is just a massive hodgepodge and Ashes Against the Grain is more post-metal.
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