Black Metal.

Okay I've been out of the game for a while. Has any solid black/doom come out lately? I'm looking for shit with nice big production, I wanna put these $300 headphones through their paces.
You could probably count the number of decent black/doom releases in history on two hands, so I doubt it.

Zing! I dunno, there's some good stuff out there. Maybe not black/doom per se. More "slow black metal"? I like bands that aren't afraid to drag it out.
Not really. I'd have to think pretty hard to name multiple recent black metal releases I've enjoyed (assuming you mean last couple of years or so), and at that rate they'd probably all be fast. Like, I know I liked the newest Demoncy.
Any recent suggestions? I've kinda grown away from "necro production" black metal, I'm liking it when it's more "full".

How recent is recent? Ruins of Beverest puts out great black/doom metal with epic production.

Here's a cut from their '09 release.

If you're looking for something super recent go for their '13 release.

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Any recent suggestions? I've kinda grown away from "necro production" black metal, I'm liking it when it's more "full".

The new Kriegsmaschine is what you're looking for. It's not fast and it has good production and atmosphere. All in all a great recording.
Check out Secrets of the Sky's recent release. I agree with The Ruins of Beverast, though I'd say that Unlock the Shrine is my favorite. Dolorian is good black/doom, as is Beatrik. And I don't care what people say, but Summoning certainly drags songs out in a doom like fashion.
You'd probably like Batllius' 2013 album awesome blackened doom.

And this is just a really cool track I found from this Black/Death band.

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I'm pretty much obsessed with this band right now: from their tremendous vocal range, including growls, shrieks, chanting, and clean female singing, their incredible keyboard/symphonic elements, to their Black-metal-as-Hell rapid-fire drumming, they're basically the complete package. It's hard for me to choose a favorite album, but favorite songs include...


So, which is your favorite song?

I really have become a big fan of Black Metal this winter. I started listening to American Black metal from bands such as Vattnet Viskar, and then I submersed myself with the Norwegian Black Metal Bands. I love Darkthrone, Emperor, Immortal, Early Mayhem as well as Swedish Black Metal from Bathory. It is the best thing to listen to when it is dark, snowy, and cold out.
Long Live Black Metal! /m\