Black Metal.

Woods of Desolation are sick.I wouldn't lump them in the category of depressive black metal but that doesn't really matter either way. Their albums tend to be on the short side though. For such atmospheric drawn out tracks I think a longer running time would enhance the experience.
Yeah, I am digging the new Woods of Desolation. Also be sure to check out another recent Northern Silence Productions release. The first full length from Nasheim. It's excellent.
I'll tell you what drives me fucking crazy.

Every black metal band out there that incorporates interesting prog/post elements in it seems to, over time, strip the black metal away and turn into a prog/post-rock band. You get a couple sweet albums with a nice blend of the styles but then everyone goes all Alcest or Opeth (not black, I know) and says "hey fuck what made us original and interesting".
Or they make some black metal yoga album then break up (altar of plagues)

Black gaze/post black is officially dead with Lantlos' imminent failure..
Or they make some black metal yoga album then break up (altar of plagues)

Black gaze/post black is officially dead with Lantlos' imminent failure..

I really liked the song, but that's what made me think of this. Their whole "no screams, no blast beats" thing. Great, now they're just another soft band.

Altar of Plagues I'm almost willing to give a pass to because he was limited by logistics (for whatever reason he had to do it all electronically). I don't think it would have come out like that under other circumstances. But WTF is going on with the others?
I personally really liked the new Lantlos song, too.

I dont mind when bands branch out and try new things, so long as I like the direction they are heading ;)

All that worries me is that it'll be soft. Bands like Les Discrets proved you can be plenty powerful without filling up the play time with blasts and shrieks, so as long as Lantlos keeps up the energy I'll be a happy guy.
^ no ways yo. 'The Malediction Fields' is a powerhouse all the fucking way. It's been a while since I listened to their first EP but that was a solid offering. 'Epoch' was good but not great. I think that 'Dustwalker' is a step in the right direction but not quite as good as it gets.
At least Fen isn't straying from black metal thus far. They do throw in a shoegaze track here and there, but I doubt they'll venture into that full time. Tis a shame for Lantlos fans if the rest of the new record is like the new track.