Black Metal.

For Primordial, I would start with To The Nameless Dead, but The Gathering Wilderness is my favorite.

I'm a heathen, searching for his soul. :kickass:

To The Nameless Dead is their worst by far (though still quite good), and isn't the best representation of their overall sound...too vocally focused
Can't stand Limbionic Art at all. Moon in the Scorpio is a splatter fest of redundant symphonic slop. Truly horrible band. Truly.
So on the extremely less gay side of black metal than LImbo Art, I just recently grabbed Grand Belial's Key's first two album for really cheap. I've wanted them for years. Fucking stoked.

There is not a single redeeming quality in UltimateApathy's post. You just can't be a dick and dumb. Come on now.

Anyways, I've totally forgotten about Grand Belial's Key! Awesome track. I too have to revisit them.

This is awesome Norwegian BM:
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I would say ditto on individual songs being upbeat. Another recommendation, for example:

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Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong but Chapel - Satan's Rock n Roll and Midnight - Satanic Royalty art hard rocking upbeat stuff.


Can't stand Limbionic Art at all. Moon in the Scorpio is a splatter fest of redundant symphonic slop. Truly horrible band. Truly.
I agree. Really don't like them. Like many symphonic bands, it's like the riffs are a total afterthought.

Nokturnal Mortum is actually pretty upbeat on the whole. The Voice of Steel is such an audacious album. I know it's well-regarded, but I'm surprised it's not even more popular.

I heard this Cult of Fire band last week. Interesting eastern aesthetic going on.
Cult of Fire is really good. They use a sitar here and there which is totally welcome. For a total Egyptian sound I recommend Odious's album 'Mirrors of Vibration'. An often overlooked band.

I just received my copy of Ered Wethrin's debut album 'Tides of War'. A band from Salt Lake City with a vocalist that sounds unusually similar to the vocalist of Caladan Brood. Can't wait to give it a spin.
Thanks for the recs on the upbeat bm. I am very familiar with Summoning (one of my favorite bands) as well as Nokturnal Mortum. Voice of Steel is one of my favorite albums. Keep posting more if you remember any others, please.
Haha, Kriegsmaschine is in last week's hyped artists on Well, the new album rules, so yeah.
Ceremonial Castings material is really good. Too bad their distribution is awful, it's damn hard to get their stuff.

I'm pretty much obsessed with this band right now: from their tremendous vocal range, including growls, shrieks, chanting, and clean female singing, their incredible keyboard/symphonic elements, to their Black-metal-as-Hell rapid-fire drumming, they're basically the complete package. It's hard for me to choose a favorite album, but favorite songs include...

Really eerie song, great atmosphere. Brutal growls and shrieks mixed with melodic female vocals, and some of the most epic keyboard playing in Black Metal. Best part? 7:50 - end.

Great vocal variety and delicate piano pieces make this song awesome. Best part? Probably 3:50 - 5:30.

Especially good keyboards in this song. Best part? Probably 4:18 - 5:35.

This song's strongest part is probably the melodic yet ominous chanting that is used a lot. Nice outro as well. Best part? 2:33 - 3:23.

Very atmospheric and epic song. Best part? Probably 3:04 - 4:08.

Great use of an ominous whispering technique and nice keyboards makes this song very atmospheric. Nice female vocals towards the end of the song too. Best part? Probably 0:00 - 2:00.

Really brutal song, but doesn't neglect the beautiful keyboards either. Best part? 0:00 - 1:17.

So, which is your favorite song?
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