Black Metal.

Anyone heard of Fog? They're from the US and released only one album 'Through the Eyes of Night..." but it's quite exceptional. More of a straight-forward black metal style that would be consistent with the earlier European scene, not so much USBM. Check it out if you have a chance.

I'm doing this thing for the next month where I exclusively listen to albums staring with the letter A. Any recs?
My list to start:

Aske - Burzum
Agape - Lantlos
All Idols Fall Before The Hammer - Adversarial
Antichrist - Gorgoroth
Apocalyptic Raids - Hellhammer
Archaeaeon - Mitochondrion
As The Stars - Woods of Desolation
Ash Borer - Ash Borer
Ashes Against The Grain - Agalloch
Autumn Aurora - Drudkh
In addition to what's been recommended: A Blaze in the Northern Sky - Darkthrone

muh fuggin Autumn Aurora...that and Forgotten Legends are easily in my top 10 of all time
Whats everyone's favorite Bathory album?

Mine has to be Blood Fire Death. Under The Sign is a quick runner up.

Problem with Bathory is they don't have one album start to finish I'm absolutely enamoured with. He made some damn good songs scattered across the entire discography.
atmospheric/ambient black from Azerbaijan