Curator of the mausoleum
Listening to a split between Krohm and Tenebrae Perpetuum. TP's part was really good depressive black metal. I'm gonna have to check more of their shit out. Krohm is solid as usual thus far.
That split is one of the best depressive BM splits I've ever heard. Its near the level of that classic Xasthur/Leviathan split. Krohm is one of my favorite acts. I'm a fanboy. So fucking goodListening to a split between Krohm and Tenebrae Perpetuum. TP's part was really good depressive black metal. I'm gonna have to check more of their shit out. Krohm is solid as usual thus far.
I didn't enjoy Obscure Verses for the Multiverse is really good, even if it isn't as great as some of the others.
That split is one of the best depressive BM splits I've ever heard. Its near the level of that classic Xasthur/Leviathan split. Krohm is one of my favorite acts. I'm a fanboy. So fucking good
Just gave the new Inquisition a spin and its just...Meh. Some decent moments that caught my attention, but they were better when they talked about Satan and not the Cosmos. Omnious Doctrines was a awesome album, but honestly like their older formula better.
Also, just saw that Self-Inflicted Violence have a new album coming out. I really liked A Perception of Matter and Energy and hope its along similar lines.
Vondur - Stridsyfirlysing
You haven't heard it yet, Kevin? Do so. Just stop what you're doing and enjoy that one