Black Metal.

^ I'll have to check that out.

I just discovered another incredible band: Nàttsòl. Their album 'Stemning' is some of the best folk yet aggressive black metal I've heard in a long time.

Two songs in. This is mindblowing, as expected. They never seem to be able to do any wrong. The most consistent band today, as they have been for so long now.
I've like neglected The Meads Of Asphodel. I don't know why, they're fantastic. Very eccentric music that is constantly mixed up. Hilarious at times as well. Must listen to this group more.

Really excited for Legio Axis Ka after hearing this. Solmeth Pervitine was kind of meh for the most part, at least when compared to the Mizuage EP. They've got Kra Cillag from Crystalium on vocals now and I'd have to say that it's an improvement from having the guy from Sybreed, the vocals sound much dirtier now.
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Who's Immortal?




not mortal; not liable or subject to death; undying:
"our immortal souls."


remembered or celebrated through all time:
"the immortal words of Lincoln."


not liable to perish or decay; imperishable; everlasting.


perpetual; lasting; constant:
"an immortal enemy."


of or relating to immortal beings or immortality.


(of a laboratory-cultured cell line) capable of dividing indefinitely.



an immortal being.


a person of enduring fame:
"Bach, Milton, El Greco, and other immortals."


the Immortals, the 40 members of the French Academy.


(often initial capital letter) any of the gods of classical mythology.
Yeah, Enslaved are starting to get really boring now. Axioma Ethica Odini was great. Didn't care all that much for RIITIIR or whatever the hell it is called.
Ruun is the last one i really love as an album. All the following ones have great songs though.

It'd be cool if they did some more EPs like Thorn.
Probably Mardraum for me, but I like Blodhemn a lot too. FWIW, these are the Enslaved albums I enjoyed enough to own:
Vikingligr veldi, Frost, Blodhemn, Mardraum, Axioma, and In Times.