Black Metal.

Dunno qhat the rest of the album is like but hat song felt like continuous DsO doing the aggressive bendy/slidey gorguts. what ive always liked about the newer DsO was the contrast between that and the more melodic bits, which this didnt really have.

Maybe not "melodic," but the album (I'm most of the way through it now) has a pretty good range of tempos and volumes. There's a fair amount of quiet parts, more melodious choral interludes, and so on. They're shorter than the DsO equivalents, not least because the album itself is only 41 minutes.
I like Gryfteskymfning. The sound is kinda cracky but still full. Atmosphere is sufficient.
How have I not heard Dråpsnatt yet? Absolutely amazing! Atmospheric melodic black metal, kind of like Lifelover but probably even better. I heard their first two albums and I'm fucking hooked.

First song in and I know I struck something sweet with these guys.

Depressive Black Metal done in the same vein as Austere (Aus). Really stoked with this and Im not even done with the first track.
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Got a couple I've been jamming lately. Both very different from each other but good in their own unique way.

Grim and kvlt Icelandic BM with some dark ambient segments. Very good stuff, sometimes a bit weird and off-kilter but mainly just powerful riffage and straightforward structures.

Semi-local (about a half-hour north in Plaistow, NH) BM/post-BM on Century Media. These guys are pretty out-of-nowhere, but the album is good and they're playing MDF this year. Good for fans of Blut aus Nord, mid-era Enslaved and stuff like Lantlôs.
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Anything new in the way of "weird" black metal? By that I mean along the lines of industrial, avant garde, or hybrids. Like Diapsiquir, Vegas Martyrs, or Amok.

The latest album I've found that fits my shitty vague description above would have to be Doctor Livingstone's Contemptus Saeculi which is a bizarre mix of black metal and hardcore elements. It's a bit like if you took Et le diable rit avec nous era Kickback and turned it inside out.
Anything new in the way of "weird" black metal? By that I mean along the lines of industrial, avant garde, or hybrids. Like Diapsiquir, Vegas Martyrs, or Amok.

The latest album I've found that fits my shitty vague description above would have to be Doctor Livingstone's Contemptus Saeculi which is a bizarre mix of black metal and hardcore elements. It's a bit like if you took Et le diable rit avec nous era Kickback and turned it inside out.

The new Dodheimsgard is out in a week or so.

From the past month or so there's new Leviathan, A Forest of Stars, An Autumn for Crippled Children and Caina too.
Anything new in the way of "weird" black metal? By that I mean along the lines of industrial, avant garde, or hybrids. Like Diapsiquir, Vegas Martyrs, or Amok.

Maybe check out that new Imperial Triumphant album. Or "Valis" by Mastery. Jute Gyte just put out a new album too (haven't listened to it).
Fucking love V.E.G.A. and haven't listened to them in forever. Alienforest was good and I even enjoyed Far From You even though it is completely different musically.

I can't wait to hear the new Leviathan. I really enjoyed True Traitor, True Whore. I had no clue a new Dodheimsgard was about to be released so I'm kinda excited about that.

I've yet to hear anything by Imperial Triumphant, A Forest of Stars, An Autumn for Crippled Children, Caina, Jute Gyte, or Mastery despite seeing a few of those names thrown around the forums. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll check em' out asap! :rock:
New Leviathan is a beast. Cant wait for the vinyl pressing to come out soon.

BTW, the new AAFCC is not worth checking out, imo. Atleast not first.... Check out Lost first and then Try Not To Destory Everything You Love second, imo. And be aware, they are more post/black metal hybrid than straight up BM, so if thats not your thing, chances are youll hate em.
I listened to Fen's 'Carrion Skies' again and am really fucking impressed. The first two songs serve as a warm-up, but starting from track 3 on it's the best work they've done since 'The Malediction Fields'. I am therefore super pleased with the record. Here's the track that gets the album rolling:

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