Black Metal.

I had no idea but there's a band called The Water Witch, and it's a project from a bunch of members of A Forest of Stars. It's like a more aggressive version of AFoS, and it's pretty awesome.

Edit: This shizzle is amazing. Just bought the album for like 13 bucks including shipping from their Bandcamp. Check it:
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^ That was cool! I've recently picked up A Forest of Star's 2LP on vinyl. Haven't dived in, but after hearing that I might listen to it tonight.

There probably was some talk about Skagos' album Anarchic already, but I'm just coming on board and it's really incredible. Soldout on bandcamp, or else I would have bought it. Very Ulver and Agalloch-y.
I love Skagos! Definitely more of an Ast fan but that's because I haven't listened to Anarchic as much. Will give it another listen shortly. I also need to check out AFoS' newest record.
Ast is definitely the shit. Anarchis isn't perfect, but I really enjoyed it. They were trying something a little different for sure. I'm pretty excited on the AFoS stuff. The vinyl is gorgeous, and what I've heard previously from them really enjoyed.

Just found this band while browsing and am pretty blown away. Really cool sound! Not entirely pure BM, but the teenager in me is intrigued since no one knows the members or even where they come from. #kvlt Iron bonehead has some really great releases!

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Ast is definitely the shit. Anarchis isn't perfect, but I really enjoyed it. They were trying something a little different for sure. I'm pretty excited on the AFoS stuff. The vinyl is gorgeous, and what I've heard previously from them really enjoyed.

Just found this band while browsing and am pretty blown away. Really cool sound! Not entirely pure BM, but the teenager in me is intrigued since no one knows the members or even where they come from. #kvlt Iron bonehead has some really great releases!

Nice find! I thought it was nice and weird. I'll need to check out the rest of the album soonish.
I had no idea but there's a band called The Water Witch, and it's a project from a bunch of members of A Forest of Stars. It's like a more aggressive version of AFoS, and it's pretty awesome.

Edit: This shizzle is amazing. Just bought the album for like 13 bucks including shipping from their Bandcamp. Check it:

Wintefylleth 'side project':

Guitarist from Fen:

Everyone from Fen (sadly broken up):

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^ Really liked that Nine Covens track man. More anger than you'd find with Winterfylleth. Video wasn't horrible either.

Virophage was all right. A little rawer version of Fen but ultimately that track didn't stand out to me.

I'm somewhat familiar with Skaldic Curse. That performance was entertaining enough, I should look into them again.

And to the dude who wants more French bm: Peste Noire, Peste Noire, Peste Noire.
I'm really digging some of the French BM posted in the last few pages... what else you guys got?

Well, first, if you like your black metal raw and obscure, you need to check out some of the Les Legiones Noires releases. While there's a lot of junk under the LLN moniker, the following acts/records are killer.

Mutiilation (check out Remains of a Ruined, Cursed and Dead Soul, and Vampires of Black Imperial Blood)

Belketre (check out their split with Vlad Tepes)

Brenoritvrezorkre, one of the most (sonically) obscure acts you'll find.


Beyond LLN, there are so many great acts.

Seigneur Voland:

NKVD (militant industrial black metal):



There's also Peste Noire, Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, Aosoth, etc. but I assume you are familiar with their output. if not, Deathspell Omega is the best thing to happen to black metal since the 2nd wave.

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ive only heard smrc and kenose. hardly the revolutionary band a lot claim them to be.

Though Hirilorn is evidence enough that the guys can play stellar black metal. unfortunately they chose the wrong path