Black Metal.

Good luck with that.

I say that mainly out of my own frustration with how fast their first pressing sold out, and how they are being super vague about the date of their second pressing, which apparently has been done for awhile. I gotta check everyday because that shit will sell out within hours.

Gonna be the hipster black metal allbum of the decade.
The whole hipster comment was kind of a joke. Its just blowing way the fuck up and super fast, atleast around here. First pressings at local record shops are like $80...And theyre whole lax attitude about the second pressing is just building more and more hype to hipsters like me.
That Ygg album is great.

I imagine it may be a while before they follow it up as Khors and Ulvegr probably take precedence. Hopefully the band doesn't end up like Walknut.
Yeah I actually liked the Ygg better than Misþyrming. Though the latter definitely has a sound that grows on you with subsequent spins.

Also... Akhlys is amazing. Loving it on the first listen.

I feel like this didn't get the attention it should have in the you laugh you lose thread....

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