Black Metal.


Anyone else find it amusing that VENOM is on this lineup?

I mean, Im all for diversity at festivals because I dabble in a lot of different shit, but for some reason this made me literally LOL
New Cultes Des Ghoules song.

First few minutes are okay. The middle is a bit boring and the outro goes on a while but there's a few minutes of ABITNS style riffing between them that's cool.
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Decent listen...

As a whole it did not really resemble Celeste at all, needs sludge/post black nastiness. I think my main gripe is the vocals. Didnt like em one bit. :erk:

Fair enough. They're far enough in the front of the mix that they're hard to avoid as well.

The album does get to be a bit tedious to listen to on the long spin... hm.

But! Something even better that came out of this article is that I discovered that FALSE has an album dropping in 5 days, and Gilead has a single up on their SoundCloud:

Love these guys, glad to see they've been picked up and are up to things. Their vocalist is possibly the best I've seen in the genre and the band is full of talent; the music, of skilled riffcraft.

Fuck yes, and another single on their Bandcamp:
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I ended up listening through all of that Pale Chalice. Nothing stood out and I can't remember any of it.

Didn't really remind me of Celeste at all. More like a less focused and less 'orthodox' or 'religious' sounding Ascension mixed with the most boring parts of Arizmenda. And I definitely don't recall hearing much in the way of "brutish, strident black metal with no frills".

Svartidaudi and Sinmara milked those dissonant chords better.
Speaking of those Icelanders, there's a new Slidhr on the way.

I was a bit disappointed by the preview track but I still have hope. I like the way the drums sound. Could do with having the guitars a little less fuzzy though.

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