Black Metal.

avoiding taxes and corporations is avoidable. you just have to make a tough choice to go off the grid.

so in actuality, your post was incorrect.

but you're welcome
Please break your neck falling off your pedestal. I used to pirate music but now I'm good buying CDs and using Spotify. It's really not a hard concept to understand I'd like to shaft assholes as much as humanely possible. Whatever.

You're an asshole yourself stealing their music, so shaft yourself. That nsbm whack job deserves your money no less than some hipster kid making artsy black metal.

Downloading isn't really a big deal, but the thought that Nokturnal Mortum somehow don't deserve your money if you like them but Deafheaven do makes me a bit ill.
J, avoiding taxes is impossible without getting in trouble, stop being retarded.

Krow, what the fuck. Maybe you never stole music ever. Wow, impressive. But if you EVER did please shut the FUCK up. Yes. Deafheaven can get my money. I'm less inclined to throw it toward Nokturnal Mortum. Deal with it.
the white guilt has to be a heavy burden




is this album any good?
I don't even think Nokturnal Mortum is even NSBM anymore. They seem to have turned their attention to Ukrainian nationalism/anti-Russia sentiment, which I'm pretty supportive of. They're a more worthy buy than most at this point.
Yeah, I heard they weren't nsbm anymore but it was still a big part of their rep earlier on. I dunno why, it's really not so hard to conceptualize here guys. Work with me. Band A does great black metal. Band B does great black metal. Band B is nsbm. Band A is not. Band A gets my support. Can't be more simplistic than that.
Hadn't checked out Balrog (Fr) before today. Probably should have as I love Aosoth and Antaeus and the guitarist from them seems to be the driving force behind it but the name put me off.

Can definitely tell it's him. Nothing amazing, not as good as Aosoth or Antaeus (or The Order of Apollyon) but some of the riffs sound like they coulda been used in Aosoth and I guess that makes it worth some attention.
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Been checking out Rhinocervs releases. Man this shit is hard to find, really interesting psychedelic black metal, extremely lo fi. I've heard one of the two members involved is the guy who IS Odz Manouk so that would explain my fascination.