I'm wearing a Tukaaria shirt. Raw to the Rapine is great. Glossolalia is pretty good too. IMO your O is wrong.
The obvious non-CN suggestion would be the LLN bands. A lot of them are shit but I like some Belkètre, Brenoritvrezorkre, Vlad Tepes and Mütiilation songs.
I love this kinda sound (both melodically and sonically)
Makes me feel nostalgic or something. Sounds like heavy drinking, depression, 80s kid's TV shows and shii.
Also, these guys probably don't sound that similar to the BTC bands to anyone but me, but I get the same kinda feels from them, especially on this album.
And I haven't pimped them for ages and I still never see them mentioned.
If you've not checked them or dismissed them all on the basis that some of them suck you should check out the Rhinocervs releases too. Some of them are pretty good. I think 11, 12 and 13 have cool songs. Maybe 7 (or 8?) too.
You might like some of the bands 'Sir N' did/is doing too. Mostly they're more in the vein of Sacramentum and Dissection but some of them are a bit less 'melodic black metal', in places anyway.
See also: Acerbitas, Grav, Hädanfärd, Helgedom, Svartrit, Vanskapt, ex-Kaos Sacramentum, ex-Ektoplasma, ex-Dödfödd, ex-Reverorum ib Malacht
His weirdy take on BM is a bit more like Negative Plane the BTC stuff I guess.