Black Metal.

Hi guys... need some helps,
I know y'all already know the band called Advent Sorrow... i'm looking for the similar band like that.. about the sound and maybe the atmospheric... i knew them mix both therion & dissection styles...

if you guys know others, just put it in... *especially 2000s band and underrated*

From Nokturnal Mortum's split with Graveland. Hmm, had very high hopes for new material from them. This disappoints me a bit upon first listens.

that sounds weirdo, i think... the old stuff better than the new one

what do you think about the shitty abbath recent works?
Yeah I am, the more I drink and enjoy it just comes out but it's all good I think. It's hard for anyone to kick ass these days but fucking hell there is nothing better than getting loose as fuck to the Devils music at the end of the week.
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Definitely hitting a wall with atmoblack. I still love the cream of the crop but noticing more and more the tier 2 acts are obnoxiously repetitive...

I'm about to the point if writing off looking for more unless it's an existing band I like, side project or comes highly recommended by someone here.
So I've decided I need to look into Arckanum more as I've only heard a few songs from Fran Marder, Antikosmos and ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ a long time ago iirc, but I can't remember much about them. I'm looking for what posters here consider their best stuff to be so I can start there.
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