Black Metal.

The first three albums are the only truly essential material. There was also a compilation of various unused recordings that I liked.
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Cheers. I've seen ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ hyped in quite a few places, are you not a fan?

My first exposure to them was in this hilarious video:

That Trollech video makes me laugh every time I watch it.
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Cheers. I've seen ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ hyped in quite a few places, are you not a fan?

My first exposure to them was in this hilarious video:

That Trollech video makes me laugh every time I watch it.

The newer Arckanum stuff is fine, but it isn't as good as his earlier music by any means.
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So I've decided I need to look into Arckanum more as I've only heard a few songs from Fran Marder, Antikosmos and ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ a long time ago iirc, but I can't remember much about them. I'm looking for what posters here consider their best stuff to be so I can start there.
IMO he peaked with the Boka Vm Kaos EP which I consider his best work, but other than that one the 90s albums are by far the best (Fran Marder being his best full length).
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I forgot that I also own Antikosmos and it's decent. His material after the 1990s just doesn't seem to have the same magic about it.
PPPPPPP is an album I actually find myself underrating. There are just so many killer cuts and it has a feverish, predatory atmosphere that I absolutely love. If anything, I don't listen to it often enough.

I honestly can't remember his earlier records, but perhaps its time to revisit them.
That's not how you spell it. If you can't type the Thorn letter, just spell it like Ththththththththththth. That's how I pronounce the name of that album, anyway - just one long drawn-out 'th' sound.
But it's not a P! I guess spelling it that way does lend its own brand of humor, in that it now appears to represent a fart sound. But people still shouldn't go about life thinking it's a P.