Black Metal.

Also grabbed both Head of the Demon albums yesterday. Sounds like black/doom/Halloween music if that sounds interesting to you.
Both their releases sounded very similar from the tracks I previewed. I just grabbed both because they were cheap but I did like both... Will have to sit down and give them some real time once they arrive.
I got a Head of the Demon shirt a while ago that was meant to be large (and did, in fairness, say 'large' on the label).

Skin tight.

I got a Head of the Demon shirt a while ago that was meant to be large (and did, in fairness, say 'large' on the label).

Skin tight.


Is it one of the shirts from Ajna Offensive? If so that's pretty strange, being an American label and all.
Heyyy hows about we talk about black metalz. Foscor is fantastic melodic black metal from Spain. The Smile of the Sad Ones is not to be missed. Not sure about any of their other material tho.
Anyone want to recommend me some NSBM stuff? Lyrically doesn't really matter but I know this stuff usually gets segregated from other black metal.

Preferably stuff that isn't straight 2nd wave worship, synthy, rac rockish, folky, anything to set it apart from super orthodox stuff.

Gontyna Kry
Dub Buk

Aryan Terrorism is awful.
I'm always surprised when people who don't normally listen to symphonic stuff mention Kataxu good band and a rare symphonic bm band that most people tend to like, Obtained Enslavement being the other off the top of my head.