Black Metal.

Man that 25 minute track on Filosofem is such a bear to sit through. 10 minutes would've been legit. I know a lot of people think it's a genius trance inducing composition but it really hinders the album imo.
I somewhat agree, it does go on for too long. It's also not up to the quality of "Tomhet". It's part of the reason why I can't put Filosofem on the same level as Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. I do absolutely love the production on Filosofem, though.
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Absolutely agree the ambient track hinders the total quality of Filosofem.

Fishing for recommendations here but does anyone know an album they feel is similar in style to Kvist's LP?
it's the bass that really sets kvist apart, can't really think of anyone else similar in that regard. there's a band called svikt who are obviously influenced by them lol. they get compared with satyricon a lot but that's a slightly superficial comparison. obtained enslavement mayhaps?
Been listening to a lot of Nokturnal Mortum on YouTube to see which albums I want to buy (most of them tbh) and the comments are pretty hysterical.

"Hey I love this..."
"Wait I just googled the band, zero support nazi scum"

It's not like you talk to your real life friends/family about metal any way is it? Will any of them be able to translate anything out of those lyrics? I really doubt both.

can't let my friends on the internet think I might like something racist because it's racist instead of what it actually is because it's the only contact I have with the outside world.
I think the title track is one of the weaker tracks on the album. Veles' Scrolls, Kuyaviya, Kolyada are all better imo. Still a great song obv (the whole album is).
Regarding Nokturnal Mortum, they are such an up and down band. Lunar Poetry is strong, Goat Horns is excellent, and then there is a series of mediocre records followed by the phenomenal Voice of Steel.
I consider them pretty great in general tbh, with no bad album really, just some really fucking good ones tend to out shine the others.
I agree with Krow, they have't released anything bad. Nechrist is probably their worst effort with Weltanschauung and Goat Horns topping the list.
Nokturnal Mortum is awesome. I love Weltanschauung and Goat Horns, the other albums are great too but I haven't listened to them as much. I think Return of the Vampire Lord is one of my favorite tracks from them though that EP was just OK overall to me. I also really love Perun's Celestial Silver, which is on NeChrist, but don't remember some of the tracks on there. Haven't listened to it in awhile.

Bah, there's nothing inherently wrong with liking music that contains racist lyrics tbh. Don't have to agree with the message to like the art. It's funny a friend posted something to the affect of "I see you liking racist record labels!" it's like is nobody allowed to employ a racist? I suppose they are suppose to be homeless and starve to death or something.
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I'm relatively uneducated on black metal. Really craving more filthy primal shit like Lord Mantis, any recs? I'm not saying the lyrics need to be fucked but they need to be a little fucked and sound like they mean it.