Black Metal.

Upon further inquiry, I came across this:

While reading a folk book, I came across Conrad, the name of a mythical Barbadian spirit of an irritable ghost that possesses women and live in their stomachs. I liked it and decided to use it.

So, I guess that settles it.

Fascinating shit, guys.

More people should listen to Xibalba.

I think it's safe to assume that this is the best album you'll find from running a "poop" based query on Metal-archives, or anywhere else for that matter.
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I haven't paid as much attention to Hellveto since it became Neoheresy, but after posting my list in the "hall of fame" thread I decided to go and re-listen to some Neoheresy, and I realized that he put out a new album earlier this year, Potop. I suppose that isn't much of a surprise considering that Hellveto put out an album (or three) probably once a year since 2002, but I'd missed it.

Neoheresy definitely amplifies the symphonic aspects - but holy shit, Potop is epic as fuuuuuck.

I figure Hellveto's stuff never appealed to a wide audience, but I think he's fucking awesome.
Anyone want to recommend me some NSBM stuff? Lyrically doesn't really matter but I know this stuff usually gets segregated from other black metal.

Preferably stuff that isn't straight 2nd wave worship, synthy, rac rockish, folky, anything to set it apart from super orthodox stuff.
Anyone want to recommend me some NSBM stuff? Lyrically doesn't really matter but I know this stuff usually gets segregated from other black metal.

Preferably stuff that isn't straight 2nd wave worship, synthy, rac rockish, folky, anything to set it apart from super orthodox stuff.

The Polish scene is fucking stellar.



Dark Fury:
Anyone want to recommend me some NSBM stuff? Lyrically doesn't really matter but I know this stuff usually gets segregated from other black metal.

Preferably stuff that isn't straight 2nd wave worship, synthy, rac rockish, folky, anything to set it apart from super orthodox stuff.
Aryan Terrorism :cool:

Nah, but maybe Dub Buk?
Dub Buk was really cool.

So I know you guys seemingly dont listen to new black metal at all any more, but I just grabbed the AMSG and Gevurah. Both are long winded but have a lot of cool, atypical shit going on.