Black Metal.

i always thought ROOTS THUNDER was a bit shit although it's been a while. most of the rest of that list rules though, i'm a big fan of WELOWIE even though it feels kinda half-formed, i'm always searching for more stuff in that style. that otherworldly obscure sounding east european shit is pretty much my BM ideal, remove the human element plsthx.

kind of an obvious choice but realistically my favourite NSBM band is probably nokturnal mortum. i still listen to them loads and i'm really hoping for that new full length soon.

anyone care to drop me some recommendations of good BM from this year?
You do realize that "long in the tooth" is an expression for something being old? Sorry. I just hate when people use expressions incorrectly.
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So anyone heard the new Coldworld? I very much looked forward to it. However it turned out to be a boring mixture of Throes of Dawn's Quickilver Clouds and some hipster nowadays USBM like Mare Cognitum or the like... Add some female vocals and you have the perfect gay recipe.
Pretty good stuff. Livelier, symphonic bm. Has some power metal moments. Definitely a different take on the genre. Gotta be in the mood for this one.

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So I haven't seen Katharsis mentioned here in a long time. It used to be they were always mentioned in the same sentence with DsO. Just found 666 and VVorld VVithout End for really cheap.
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Eh I didn't mean they sounded like DsO. I meant when someone asked for the best modern black metal they and DsO were usually side by side recommendations. As per usual, I never explain what I mean very well.