Black Metal.

Darkthrone worship done more violently. They sound like plenty of other Finnish/Scandi stuff which is better...Sargeist, Horna, etc. Clandestine Blaze...
Horna is awesome. I hope to be hearing some Sargeist soon, too.

Speaking of Finnish BM, what's your opinion of Sear? I might order their album Begin the Celebrations of Sin soon.
I wouldn't necessarily call them generic, rather insubstantial (though, admittedly, I have a large chunk of their material and enjoy, but hardly ever, listen to it). Strength & Honour is a good album. The ...Of The Night EP I enjoy too, as well as the split with Clandestine Blaze. Black Katharsis and Opferblut are pretty boring. Carelian Satanist Madness is better than those, but not their best either.

However, you could do without them, really. I don't really know why I have so much from them. Maybe I'll sell some of it to you if you're interested. I have everything that I mentioned except CSM, but I intend to keep at least S&H.

Edit: WHAT, Sargeist, Horna, and CB better? The only one of those that isn't complete shit is CB, and at that only a bit of what they've done (namely the split with DSO) is really anything worth mentioning. I wouldn't really go with the "Darkthrone worship" tag either, but whatever.
It's easy to lump everything into "Darkthrone worship" but I agree with Nec, in that it isn't really Darkthrone worship. I'd say it sounds like Sargeist to me just with worse production, less bass, and more keyboards. The reason I'm keen on Satanic Warmaster because I am still exploring what black metal bands suit me and what don't, and SW immediately struck a chord (so to speak) with me. If I find out later that there is better stuff, so be it. Also I like the name.

Nec - If you accept paypal I'm willing to take an album off your hands.
Well, that's cool. I respect your opinion and shit, by the way, so don't think I'm just hating on 'em. 'S'all good.

I still think you should get anything by Cirith Gorgor that you can find. Epic, razor-sharp, violent BM.
I'm relistening to these Satanic Warmaster CDs, and honestly, they're pretty good. Much better than I remember. Even some great stuff. But I already offered to sell them, and they're certainly not essential.
If I do decide to sell them, they're going to cookiecutter for first dibs. But now I'm reconsidering my offer.
I wouldn't necessarily call them generic, rather insubstantial (though, admittedly, I have a large chunk of their material and enjoy, but hardly ever, listen to it). Strength & Honour is a good album. The ...Of The Night EP I enjoy too, as well as the split with Clandestine Blaze. Black Katharsis and Opferblut are pretty boring. Carelian Satanist Madness is better than those, but not their best either.

However, you could do without them, really. I don't really know why I have so much from them. Maybe I'll sell some of it to you if you're interested. I have everything that I mentioned except CSM, but I intend to keep at least S&H.

Edit: WHAT, Sargeist, Horna, and CB better? The only one of those that isn't complete shit is CB, and at that only a bit of what they've done (namely the split with DSO) is really anything worth mentioning. I wouldn't really go with the "Darkthrone worship" tag either, but whatever.

By the way, do you have some type of sell list...