Black Metal.

Never even heard of the 4th and 5th bands on your list!

The vocals on the Silencer record are far too overblown and ridiculous for me to enjoy - they end up sounding insincere rather than sounding genuinely psychotic like I assume he’s going for. At least to me anyway.

I always forget about that Children of Maani demo.
Did that Icelandic Black Metal craze just up and die? I like those two and Sinmara but they never really deserved the insane amount of hype they received when they debuted.

Wtf, I randomly discovered this on YouTube. I was not expecting much from the acoustic intro, but then the first track comes crashing in with an authentic old school sound and hateful vocals and full of riffs and made me take notice. Obviously needs more listens before I can form an opinion but seems promising.
So have you guys been following the Judas Iscariot fiasco?

Infamous scammer/drug addict piece of shit Blake Judd's newly created label Ascension Monuments Media is releasing a fuckton of Judas Iscariot merch/reissues based on something the guy behind JI supposedly said to him over 10 years ago. The JI guy wants nothing to do with black metal ever again and so far no one has been able to talk to him about it.

He secretly released this:
And passed them off as deadstock to customers at an inflated price until called out on it. His girlfriend originally denied everything but then went on a "it doesnt matter if they're bootleg anyway tirade."

To be honest I dont care much about bootlegs if theyre cheap and not passed off as originals, but it does kinda bother me to see a junkie going to make a ton of money off something that he has no right to. I'll stick to the CDs from redstream, moribund, and elegy.

Oh and NWN! is in on it and keeps deleting threads about all the shit being said. Kinda blows my mind that they're gonna put their reputation on the line to make some cash (they're releasing Heaven in Flames)
The topic that Yosuke posted says that the releases are licensed from the labels that own the recordings. If that is accurate, they're not bootlegs by any definition. It would be easy to contact the labels and ask them if the reissues are actually licensed from them, but I don't care about Judas Iscariot and won't be looking into it because I'm not buying the albums.

This is almost as dumb as Wrest claiming that Moribund illegally licensed Leviathan recordings that they proved that they legally own. He even said that he doesn't get paid residuals, which was also proven to be a lie. It was also proven that he tried to extort money from Back on Black by threatening them, which is ridiculous.

While it totally sucks that a lot of record labels own the music that they put out, nobody makes the artist sign the contract without negotiating the terms.
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Haha, I forgot about that part. Now I kind of want to know if they're actually licensed. I bet the ones Yosuke is doing are, at the very least.
I don’t have a problem with derivativeness if it’s done well - I mean I love Moonblood which is obviously heavily indebted to TH era Darkthrone. That JI album I remmeber being merely competent, but perhaps I should listen again.

I remember seeing quite a lot of praise for Distant in Solitary Night so I may look into that.
I really love Heaven in Flames. I think it's traditional while having it's own sound and not being generic. There's great riffs and variety in mood and tempo between the tracks while maintaining cohesion. DISN is very good, but the last track drags down the album (an 11 minute reading of a William Blake poem to some repetitive moody music).
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I don’t have a problem with derivativeness if it’s done well - I mean I love Moonblood which is obviously heavily indebted to TH era Darkthrone. That JI album I remmeber being merely competent, but perhaps I should listen again.

I remember seeing quite a lot of praise for Distant in Solitary Night so I may look into that.

I don't really see the relation between Moonblood and any era of Darkthrone other than the fact that both bands are great.

A lot of black metal is very derivative and thats why I don't listen to much of it anymore. Nowadays pretty much everyone wants to be Varg Vikernes.
And what I wanted to say is that I would really love to enjoy Silencer, but the fucking vocals put me off. I love the instrumentals, but the vocals are fucking hilarious. I tried to like it but it's pretty impossible. I try to imagine those vocals are like the reflection of the fiercest inner pain and mental sickness, but I just can't come to like it... And man, I just love the ambience the instruments create, but it's all fucking ruined by the horrendous vocals... Are there any Silencer enthusiasts in here?
Bethlehem does the Silencer type vocals much better. They’re genuinely disturbing and far more sincere to my mind and they were almost certainly a huge influence on Sielncer who took them and made what sounds like a mock caricature version.

Musically I don’t find Silencer to be anything noteworthy. Not horrible, but very bland.
Silencer is shit and I'd agree that it's definitely a bad attempt at replicating early Bethlehem. Nattramn is a fake whose only brush with insanity is when he voluntarily checked in to a mental hopsital even though there was a big faked story about him attacking people with an axe that he invented to promote his bad music. The band pictures are also some of the worst ever.