Black Metal.

You guys do realize that those Malokarpatan tracks were recorded for a compilation a while ago and aren't intended to be a snapshot of the band's future direction, right?
I don't remember liking them but I've only heard one album. They were hyped up quite a bit. I'll check the above link when I can to see if there's anything I look for in my black metal. I've recently become quite picky.
I remember talking to some girl a few years ago about Xibalba and was surprised that she liked them. I quickly realized that she was talking about the deathcore band from California. They have practically the same logo and same lyrical themes according to M-A.
Not all BM, but a decent portion is...

The Ruins of Beverast - Exuvia (Black/Doom/Folk, crazy hypnotic heavy shit with chanting. My AOTY)
Dvne - Asheran (Unique Stoner/Sludge/Prog blend. They capture some of the best elements of both genres)
Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland (Fast paced, high energy thrashy Black/Folk)
Venenum - Trance of Death (Psychedelic Death. Twisted riffs.)
Nokturnal Mortum - Істина (Folk/Black, this one is rather thick on the folk, some might find it a little over-saturated)
Hellripper - Coagulating Darkness (Black/Speed, rather short album but crazy full of hooky riffs)
Heilung - LIFA Live Show (Non-metal - Neofolk but has some harsh vocals and heavy as fuck for using only traditional instruments)
Electric Moon - Stardust Rituals (Non-metal - Trippy Mellow Psych/Space Rock)

Urfaust - The Constellatory Practice (Doom/Black/Drone. My AOTY so far)
Necrophobic - Mark Of The Necrogram (Melodic Black/Death)
Alkaloid - Liquid Anatomy (Prog/Tech Death. Super catchy and fun)
Thy Catafalque - Geometria (Experimental/Avant Garde. Very bizarre melodies)
Bong - Thought and Existence (Drone/Psych, repetitive but solid)

Bought the Ruins of Beverast, Malokarpatan and Venenum albums from this bunch. I'm not entirely convinced by Exuvia as yet, the atmosphere seemed a touch painted on and as always with these guys they could lose about 15 mins of album length, but definitely warrants further listening. Malokarpatan sounds like Midnight, if they grew up in a Ukrainian forest.
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I really like all of Sorcier des Glaces material except Ritual of the End which I need to give more listens really. Not sure I would say North is their best as I find most of them to be of similar quality.
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I really like all of Sorcier des Glaces material except Ritual of the End which I need to give more listens really. Not sure I would say North is their best as I find most of them to be of similar quality.

Fantastic band and proof that atmospheric black metal isn't inherently "garbage".