Black Metal.

I have an inkling that Drudkh's forthcoming "Estrangement" album is going to blow everything out of the water, again.

EDIT: I should add though, the best material I've heard come out in 2007 so far is definitely Graveland's "Will Stronger Than Death". Fuck me, what an album.
So I'm listening to Inquisition's Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult...and I'm enjoying the music, but these vocals fucking suck. there's nothing in them at all. maybe it's just the first impression...we'll see
they just sound really dull and uninspired to me. I don't know. Dazed, I immediately thought of Demilich when I first heard the vocals.
The only person I've seen "hype" it was GoD, and he doesn't post here (very often (I think)) any more.