Black Metal.

Some bad news to Dark Fortress fans:

"We are sorry to announce that Azathoth [vocals] will no longer be a part of DARK FORTRESS. We all came to the decision that we have to go separate ways, due to various — non-musical — reasons. Nevertheless we do wish Azathoth all the best for his future plans in life. Therefore we are currently looking for a new frontman/singer. Serious applications, including audio AND visual (live-videos, pics) material, may be sent either to or We will keep you updated about any news concerning a new singer. All future live-gigs (Summer Breeze open air, Kaltenbach open-air) are probably going to be canceled. However we will play the gig in Alte Kaserne in Landshut as a farewell gig for Azathoth. This will be your last chance to see us in this lineup, so make sure you don't miss it. Furthermore, the work on our new album and its release date will be postponed."

Great band, what a shame to hear this...
I am ashamed to say that I haven't heard a single one of their albums... :erk:
You should check them out. Especially promo "Horizons" and "Folkstorm of the Azure Nights" (last album). Here you go -
Temnozor' has harsh songs and beautiful ballads too. They've got great ancient russian lyrics, full of slavic culture.

It's alright because they're really not that good. I've never understood why people like them and Kroda.
That is NOT okay, and it's gotta be fixed. I bet, you havent heard their "Folkstorm of the Azure Nights", and if you have, but didn't like it - I feel sorry for you. The same with Kroda.
prozak likes them isnt that enough for you...

Obviously wasn't serious about it :p, anyone who uses that word seriously needs to get help.

Just Genevieve has a very oceanic feel, much more akin to the atmosphere of Isis's album Oceanic (heh, go figure) than it is to the forest and frozen mountains feeling that alot of BM goes for.
I more see it as people who use the term "kvlt" at all usually have a more aesthetic-central view of black metal that can safely be ignored. ;)

And I meant to expand upon how Genevieve could be considered a masterpiece. Personally I see Velvet Cacoon as interesting artists whose impact could be considered notable, but the important part of their art lied in their actions and statements, not in the music itself. Genevieve may be pretty sounding, but it's hard to ignore the fact that beneath the surface there isn't much more than a band going through the motions to create a plausible "hit" black metal album. Is it not the intent of their music to be pointless? They certainly showed that what mattered was not who wrote "their" music, but the mystique and presentation attached to it. I tend to believe any quality that appears to remain after the mystery was revealed is more coincidental than intentional.

Retroism is all really, it isn't the problem of the bands - but with your retroism I'm betting.
I get what you mean, but I don't think "retroism" is a term that accurately describes it. Maybe ad antiquitatem thinking... "Retroism" is a term that brings to mind bands like The Darkness.

My only comment on this is that two albums of similar sound and quality may be enjoyable on the same level, but if one was released 15 years after the other then the senior one has a better chance at being considered a "masterpiece" (and rightly so).
p.s. why does almost all new black metal fucking suck? i downloaded the new peste noire people were shitting themselves over and, while it's competent, it has none of the romantic spirit or melodic intricacy that makes great black metal great. totally failed at transporting my mind to a spiritual realm of refreshment. fuck that shit!

I definitely share your sentiments. I'm pretty fucking tired of seeing bands hyped up around here and other places only to find that the vast majority of this shit is either completely mediocre or just average. People really need to stop touting shit as 'absolutely amazing' or 'genius'. But bm fans are generally pretentious faggots so I don't expect them to be particularly critical.
I know there are Paysage D'hiver fans here. Is anyone interested in buying the Die Festung rerelease from me should I be able to acquire it from the local store? It's only $23, which compares pretty favorably to the 16 euros the label wants for it.
Any opinions on Thunderkraft people? While not specifically Black Metal, the Black Metal influence is massive, especially considering it has members from Drudkh and Nokturnal Mortem