Black Metal.

from the west wing

Two death threats were received against Zoey and Charlie.
They were made with letters cut from Resistance Magazine.
The magazine recruits younger people.
Right, and the letters have used the phrase:
"Following the voice of blood. "
It's the title of a Graveland record, a band popular among skinheads.
I'm convinced we're looking for two 15-year-old boys.
Everybody, hit the pictures.

I can only speak for myself here considering the vast majority of people here do not share my tastes in BM, but I tend to only listen to bands whom I feel something from, beyond just the words and riffs, and a good portion of the bands I enjoy happen to be modern bands. I would say, "Perhaps I've just picked out the best of what now has to offer" but I'd frankly get laughed at - because those who find the spirit in early works, often fail to find the same thing I find in the works of bands like Belenos, whose pride you can feel pulsating from every riff, Mystic Forest, whose romantic endeavors are genuinely moving, the aforementioned Velvet Cacoon on their Genevieve transport one to the beautiful coastside where the ocean mist clears ones thoughts, Epheles, The Ruins of Beverast, Negative Plane, Primordial, Geasa, Griffar, Lifthrasireon, etc

Claiming any of those to be on par with the older bands with get a typical BM fan crucified by his peers, and if that isn't retroism I don't know what is. Perhaps I'm just more willing to find that feeling, that spirit, that drive.
I can only speak for myself here considering the vast majority of people here do not share my tastes in BM, but I tend to only listen to bands whom I feel something from, beyond just the words and riffs, and a good portion of the bands I enjoy happen to be modern bands. I would say, "Perhaps I've just picked out the best of what now has to offer" but I'd frankly get laughed at - because those who find the spirit in early works, often fail to find the same thing I find in the works of bands like Belenos, whose pride you can feel pulsating from every riff, Mystic Forest, whose romantic endeavors are genuinely moving, the aforementioned Velvet Cacoon on their Genevieve transport one to the beautiful coastside where the ocean mist clears ones thoughts, Epheles, The Ruins of Beverast, Negative Plane, Primordial, Geasa, Griffar, Lifthrasireon, etc

Claiming any of those to be on par with the older bands with get a typical BM fan crucified by his peers, and if that isn't retroism I don't know what is. Perhaps I'm just more willing to find that feeling, that spirit, that drive.

I have the same views as you. But i hate VC.
I find that insanity and other mental disorders are rarely sure signs of quality in music, but seeing as you brought us raventale, i shall investigate anyways. :D
In majority of times genius and super-talented people have some kind of mental disorders :D
Raventale? haha, from what I've seen - Astaroth doesn't really look like a sick person.
hehe, you misunderstand, milady! I didn't mean to imply that Astaroth was somehow mentally challenged. I merely pointed out that you have brought us good bands in the past, so perhaps you shall do so again...
Ohh! Well, I try my best. Lately I've heard many really good bands, that I've never seen mentioned on UM. So I'm going to work on helping you to discover their music, my good friends :cool:
its got nothing to do with the sound of the records, but the spirit. drudkh is good (at least their first 2, i havent listened to the others enough to say), dso's 2004 album was good, alcest are fantastic, i hear from people i trust that fanisk is good though i haven't heard them yet.....a lot of these bands just seem to want to sound 'dark' and 'evil' or something and theres really nothing else driving the music. you can hear the sense of wonder in burzum, in emperor's first album, you can hear the joy in alcest, the reverence in drudkh... much of new black metal communicates none of that to me. if wanting to music to sound passionately played and like its players really believe in something is 'retroist', then i guess i am retroist. personally i think the black metal scene is so bad right now people are willing to heap praise on bands who get even the rudimentary elements right.

I agree with you to an extent, but there are plenty of decent black metal bands coming out in these years (i.e. Deathspell Omega and Nachtmystium come to mind). My main problem is that more attention is being given to the lyrics, to make them "Satanic" and esoteric, rather than conveying that atmosphere through the music. Still, a lot of the newer groups are pretty overrated.
So it would seem by the endless lists of BM bands present on Russian metal sites. Of course, they fail to interest me anyway...
Oh, I don't know...there has been so much chatter about the death of BM over the past several years...regardless of how "good" or not the music is, as long as it's being produced, especially in volume like the Russian scene seems to be, I feel the style won't really die.

But that's for another thread. ;)
Tvangeste, not exactly black metal but I really like their style with a good orchestral sound and not so overblown and star wars-like as Dimmu can be (though I like them as well). Apparently, a couple members of Tvangeste re-located to Canada and a new album should come out soon...well, eventually...I remember reading about a new album like two years ago. :Smug:
Also, I really like Stielas Storhett.

I generally don't like Russian black metal though. There seems to be far too much of that melodic pagan-black metal stuff which I don't care for. I've checked out numerous albums and they all have that Alkonost-type sound, just not really my thing but seems to be quite popular in Russia.