Black Metal.

In my opinion, it's "Folkstorm of the Azure Nights". I gave the link to it. But "Horizons" is gewd tew.
I know there are Paysage D'hiver fans here. Is anyone interested in buying the Die Festung rerelease from me should I be able to acquire it from the local store? It's only $23, which compares pretty favorably to the 16 euros the label wants for it.

Yes, I would be interested, but I might not be able to get the money until the end of the month.
I may buy all the copies available and stash them away for a while. It seems like the type of thing that would bring in a fair amount of cash in the future.

I don't know why it's taken me so long to figure out that I should buy up every rare release by Drudkh, Leviathan, and Sunn 0))), because people pay a ton for this stuff on ebay. At least double or triple on LPs, even within a year of release.
i loved them until they released Sworn to the dark..... which is quite disapointing and too commercial.

Casus is an excellent album.
Klabautamann's Der Ort is a really solid slab of folk black metal with death-ish style vocals. lots of variety and good stuff. I know a few of you guys would totally dig it.
I have heard heaps of hype for Sworn to the dark, has a listen and I like it. It is commercial but in a good way for me: read production.

Is it kind of Satyricon sounding or is it just me?

It's kind of DMDS meets Reinkaos (where Casus Luciferi was more of DMDS meets Storm of the Light's Bane)