Black Metal.

satanic bands preach the word of satan.

What about bands like immortal that dont sing about satan. Are they winter metal?

It seems that when it is convenant to rip of christan bands people will.

but you don't see satanic bands handing out leaflets and passing out bibles at concerts to convert the uncoverted. also, satanists (especially in America) don't go out of their way to make non-satanists censoring stuff and making the lives of non believers miserable.
but you don't see satanic bands handing out leaflets and passing out bibles at concerts to convert the uncoverted. also, satanists (especially in America) don't go out of their way to make non-satanists censoring stuff and making the lives of non believers miserable.

Yes finnlly I will be able to slay you! Ok the christains that pass out bibles are the evangelists. They split off from the roman chruch years ago. I am a roman catholic and i can say that the evangelists are a bunch of money lustings fuckers. To say that christans in general try and convert you is competly fucking stupid becuase only a small group do. i truly cant recall the last time my chruch a attend went out of there way to convert people. I would like people to belive what i belive but i know that just cat happen. When was the last time you attended a chruch(not a evangelist bullshit chruch but a roman catholic). Maybe if you spent a little more time you ould understand who those people passing out the bibles are.

I know my grammer was terrible on that post.

Btw i some-what respect your view.
I find it a pretty funny thing for a Catholic to call any other religious organization money-grubbing, seeing as how the RC church is the most money hungry organization in history.
I know my grammer was terrible on that post.

Btw i some-what respect your view.

so was mine, but like I said, I've never seen a satanist push his or her beliefs on someone else. I mean cripes, since when did Gorgoroth hand out satanic leaflets at their shows? (I could be wrong, since I've never actually attended a Gorgoroth gig). Christians control Wal Mart and heavily censor albums that don't fit in with the Christian agenda. Satanists could never do that, as they don't have the power to. this whole country has been brainwashed.
I find it a pretty funny thing for a Catholic to call any other religious organization money-grubbing, seeing as how the RC church is the most money hungry organization in history.

Yea but do we have the bakers on tv? No. yes we do get money but it is not done the was the evangelists do it. I once called a evangelist orgazation that was on tv. The "preacher" told us to give them money and god will bless us. They said the money goes to on air time. The catholic chruch askes for money in a pure state. Most of that money goes to the chruch its self. The vataican it's self makes a lot of money off of the acient treasures it has.
dude, all christians try to convert people.
and if you are not a christian, you are bad.

Im so happy that my whole family (dads side) but one aunt is not christian. They were all raised catholic I think, but quickly woke up and dropped that bullshit. It really makes me proud.
Re "unblack metal":

The music sounded like BM, but because of the lyrics and the spirit behind it, it is not BM.

Guess which black metal elitist said that? It was Jayson Sherlocke, aka Anonymous, the guy who founded Christian "black" metal. Too often you see the claim that it is the black metal artists and fans who reject the Christians, when in fact the Christians themselves often reject the label.

E: You chose "Holy Unblack" rather than "Holy Black". Do you feel that anti-Christian ideology was, at least originally, a fundamental element of black metal? Do you think it is possible for Christian metal to be truly 'black'?

A: I do NOT believe it is possible for Christian metal music to be truly 'black', no. I think it certainly helps the black metal cause if you 'hold to a Satanic ideology'. Black metal has changed and developed in both sound and lyrically over the years. Moving away from the simple 'Satanic' subject matter of it's early years, to the more poetic and story-like lyrics of today. But still, the dark, grim, horrific 'anti-God' themes remain, and this, coupled with the higher pitched shrill raspy vocals, the blast beats, and the unmistakable chainsaw guitar sounds all merge to create the BM sound. But it is the sound and the 'dark feeling' that truly defines what BM is, and the lyrics contribute to this. True BM I believe, is without light, void of hope, therefore Horde can never be classified as 'Holy Black'. Horde contains lyrics in opposition to darkness. In my opinion, 'Holy Black' cannot exist. Darkness disappears when light is present, the two cannot coexist.

Why take two fundamentally opposed artistic movements and pretend they are all the same genre? Why gloss over the subtle nuances that make metal the genre that it is, full of depth and meaning, ideas and conflict? Much like it doesn't make sense to call a pro-G8 hardcore band anarcho-punk, or to call a spiritual pacifist who speaks out against drugs and promiscuity a gangster rapper, calling a Christian band black metal is simply a contradiction in terms in the name of convenience.

First of all, the genre labels anarcho-punk and gangsta rap are labels based on lyrical themes. Much like viking metal. Two completely different sounding rap groups can have the same lyrical topics and be placed under the genre gangsta rap. The same can't be said for black metal because the term "black" doesn't apply to a lyrical theme necessarily.

People make the whole "black metal circle" to be more epic than it really is. It's just coincidence that they invented the sound of black metal based on the anti-christian/viking/pagan ideologies. These ideologies obviously correspond with the mood set by the music but the change of ideologies won't change the music. My point is that if people are able to recognize something as black metal without knowing the lyrical themes then it doesn't suddenly change once the christian lyrics are discovered by the listener.
so was mine, but like I said, I've never seen a satanist push his or her beliefs on someone else. I mean cripes, since when did Gorgoroth hand out satanic leaflets at their shows? (I could be wrong, since I've never actually attended a Gorgoroth gig). Christians control Wal Mart and heavily censor albums that don't fit in with the Christian agenda. Satanists could never do that, as they don't have the power to. this whole country has been brainwashed.

But put a satanist in the christian postion and we would have a satanic censored wall-mart. Do you see how it plays out. Majority rules. Considering King Ov Hell of gorgoroth says black metal is preaching the word of satan(which i beg to differ) and they sing songs about violence and desicration of christan symbols i consider that equal to handing out leaflets.

I advise you to study that differnce between catholics and evangelists.
dude, all christians try to convert people.
and if you are not a christian, you are bad.

Im so happy that my whole family (dads side) but one aunt is not christian. They were all raised catholic I think, but quickly woke up and dropped that bullshit. It really makes me proud.

Wow. Great job at being wrong.
But put a satanist in the christian postion and we would have a satanic censored wall-mart. Do you see how it plays out. Majority rules. Considering King Ov Hell of gorgoroth says black metal is preaching the word of satan(which i beg to differ) and they sing songs about violence and desicration of christan symbols i consider that equal to handing out leaflets.

I advise you to study that differnce between catholics and evangelists.

Its probably my upbringing. My family and their church (which one of those so-called "progressive yet fundamentalist new wave rock n roll churches) thinks I'm going to hell because I'm pagan, I swear a lot, and I don't believe in abstinence. plus I occasionally smoke the weed. She wanted me to play in the church band. I declined.

the fact that you think what Gorgoroth does is equal to what fundamentalist Christians do is ridiculous. Christians really lay it on thick. most Satanists believe in individualism. Christians draw a line in the sand, either you conform or you don't, and if you don't, you will be condemned for all eternity in a pit of fire.
Its probably my upbringing. My family and their church (which one of those so-called "progressive yet fundamentalist new wave rock n roll churches) thinks I'm going to hell because I'm pagan, I swear a lot, and I don't believe in abstinence. plus I occasionally smoke the weed. She wanted me to play in the church band. I declined.

No offense to your parents but there chruch is run by a bunch of fucking idoits. I dont want to get into my belifs. But the main differnce will the chruch you saw aginst the roman catholic chruch is that they basiclly are to stupid to see what god really stands for and are dont want to belive that there is more to relgion then we know.

To a certain point i belive that you go to hell if you dont belive in god. But i thik that you are a good person you will enter the place will the big golden gates. Lennon did not bellive in god but how can a guy that told us to give peace a chance and to imagine all the people togather be in a pit of fire?
The Christian who listens to black metal is always an amusing individual. :lol: The wonders of selective perception, I guess.

First of all, the genre labels anarcho-punk and gangsta rap are labels based on lyrical themes. Much like viking metal. Two completely different sounding rap groups can have the same lyrical topics and be placed under the genre gangsta rap. The same can't be said for black metal because the term "black" doesn't apply to a lyrical theme necessarily.
Well it does, actually. Notice that virtually all black metal artists express views that are consistent, in a broad sense, with a particular worldview. As far as metal goes, "black" is the subgenre signifier most closely identified with the theme of the art. To pretend it isn't for a handful of bands diminishes the usefulness of black metal as a concept.

People make the whole "black metal circle" to be more epic than it really is. It's just coincidence that they invented the sound of black metal based on the anti-christian/viking/pagan ideologies.
A coincidence? How? They had ideas - they came up with music that was suitable for expressing it. How is that in any way a coincidence?

These ideologies obviously correspond with the mood set by the music but the change of ideologies won't change the music.
How do you think music is written? People just randomly select sounds to match up with the ideas they want to express? Ever notice that the sound of a band's music will often change as their ideas do? More coincidences?

My point is that if people are able to recognize something as black metal without knowing the lyrical themes then it doesn't suddenly change once the christian lyrics are discovered by the listener.
Why? Why does the perception of the uninformed listener trump reality?
Wow. Great job at being wrong.

Krig is a fucking moron. Don't listen to him.

Christians really lay it on thick. most Satanists believe in individualism. Christians draw a line in the sand, either you conform or you don't, and if you don't, you will be condemned for all eternity in a pit of fire.

That's bullshit and, using the words of Necuratul: You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, so please don't partake in the subject at hand.

dude, all christians try to convert people.
and if you are not a christian, you are bad.


Wow i are bad! oh noes!
dude, all christians try to convert people.
and if you are not a christian, you are bad.

Im so happy that my whole family (dads side) but one aunt is not christian. They were all raised catholic I think, but quickly woke up and dropped that bullshit.

Agreed. And just as Muslims do as well, simply that both try to convert using different means (Although Christianity's history is filled with violence as a means to convert), but, both are just as bad as each other.

If you ask me, the only things good to come out of those religions are a handful of charities, art, and music. The rest is a fucking load of bullshit. Sure, a Christian will tell you those good factors are a by-product of Christianity but in truth this is also total bullshit. It is a by-product of faith, of devotion and nothing more. Fuck the Church and fuck the Mosque too.