Black Metal.

Dark Funeral
Judas Iscarot
Dimmu Borgir
Old Mans Child
Dreamscapes of the Perverse
^ Where do you hear of all this stuff Zeph? The only other so called "psychedelic" BM band I can think of is Alchemist. Do you know of any to check em' out if you do.

Cookiecutter is the one who referred me to Nachtmystium. I would have brushed it aside as just another USBM band if not for his letting me borrow that album. I'm not familiar with any other bands I would call "psychedelic black metal", but I know there are others, but not in a style quite like Nachtmystium's.
Cookiecutter is the one who referred me to Nachtmystium. I would have brushed it aside as just another USBM band if not for his letting me borrow that album. I'm not familiar with any other bands I would call "psychedelic black metal", but I know there are others, but not in a style quite like Nachtmystium's.

Blake Judd listened to psychedlic at a young age and incorperates it a little bit in his music.
TWWTD has a "whirring" aspect to it's sound... it's this which I found unsettling... it's almost claustrophobic, and totally makes you feel uncomfortable. It's fucking fantastic.

Oh I know. I listened to it last night at midnight with it pitch black and a rainstorm outside.
Speaking of which, I highly recommend people listen to Nortt when its bloody cold, raining hard, lightning and thunder everywhere, and your walking right in the middle of it, drenched as hell.