Black Metal.

Never heard the first band. I've been a huge fan of the others since I was very first introduced to Swedish Metal and I still fucking love their albums.

I'm stoked that Vinterland have reformed and are in the process of recording new music. Welcome My Last Chapter is an underrated classic. I've also found that the album is far, far more sorrowful/depressive than basically all of this suicidal BM nonsense. Silencer can fuck right off.

You'd probably appreciate Ophthalamia. Check out Via Dolorosa.

Hey, Silencer rules! Other than them, I agree, suicidal Black Metal does suck for the most part.
curently listening to IXXI - Self-Title album

anyone heard that band? with members of ondskapt and lifelover.
Let it all out, man. This is what this forum is for.

I think Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God is a bit overrated. I'm enjoying it and all, but I don't see why it's so GREAT.

It is just a crazy dark black metal album. I give it like a 7.5/8 out of 10.

not great but good.
Okay, if this new Stiny Plamenu remains so fucking awesome over repeated listens it could be a top ten release of this year.
I've been slowly getting into Black metal. Some stuff I've been listening to:

Negura Bunget
Blut Aus Nord
Wolves in the Throne Room
Old Man's Child
i never understood the hype about Wolves in the throne room... i found them boring as fuck...

maybe i should give another listen sometimes.