Black Metal.

Any Nortt fans here (except Hubs)? Man, they are magical. So atmospheric, so dark and so "ingrained". Seems like it fills every corner of your soul with its darkness when you're listening to it, seems like it drowns you in its gloominess, not letting you to take another breath...
Any Nortt fans here (except Hubs)? Man, they are magical. So atmospheric, so dark and so "ingrained". Seems like it fills every corner of your soul with its darkness when you're listening to it, seems like it drowns you in its gloominess, not letting you to take another breath...
I really like Hedengang (Xasthur split). It seems like just the right length. Other than that I have Ligfaerd, but I don't listen to it too often. I have to be in the right mood for it. I guess I've been too happy lately. The rest of the stuff is pretty hard to acquire. Good band though.
I have Ligfaerd but haven't given it a good listen yet.

thats the one I own. its more about atmosphere than actual songs, though.

I'd actually like to see more Blasphemy/Beherit clones, personally, as far as black metal is concerned.
Proclamation, Sadomator, Goat Molestor, Deiphago, Morbosidad, Blasphemophagher, Bestial Raids, Teitanblood, Archgoat, Hoath, Diocletian