Black Metal.

The only time that it matters where a band comes from is if it's an integral part of the music. Although also of importance is the similarity of sound and technique evident in those those of the same scene due to sharing of ideas and things of that nature.
I like N.I.L.'s new album, for the most part that one song "Here I Found No Shelter" is great, the rest of the album is fairly good though.
currently listening to the new Glorior Belli, meh... descent but it's so uninspired.... this band should quit for the second time.
I want to know who takes these guys serious.

Shot at 2007-07-02

Serious as in what? If you mean serious as in Graveland is one of the best bands on the planet, then yes. Woodtemple, on the other hand, is merely average.

Though it could be worse: I could be a Xasthur fan.